
Order and transcendence : the role of utopias and the dynamics of civilizations

edited by Adam B. Seligman

(International studies in sociology and social anthropology, v. 50)

E.J. Brill, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Papers from a seminar on utopias in axial age civilizations, conducted in 1985/86 and 1986/87 within the frame of the program on Comparative Civilizations at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology and the Truman Research Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Includes index


  • The comparative study of utopias / Adam Seligman
  • Christian utopias and Christian salvation / Adam Seligman
  • The Eucharist sacrifice and the changing utopian moment in post Reformation Christianity / Adam Seligman
  • De-axialization/Re-axialization: the case of Brazilian millennialism / Bernardo Arévalo de Léon
  • Jewish salvational visions, utopias, and attitudes towards the Halacha / Shlomo Fischer
  • Hasidism / Schlomo Fischer
  • Turning classic models into utopias / Sarit Helman
  • Can a Hindu utopia be a Moslem utopia? Examples from 12th Century India and beyond / Harriet Hartman
  • The Javanese conception of order and its relationship to millennarian motifs and imagery / Sarit Helman
  • Utopias and dynamics of civilizations / S.N. Eisenstadt



S.N. Eisenstadt, Foreword Adam Seligman, The Comparative Study of Utopias Adam Seligman, Christian Utopias and Christian Salvation: A General Introduction Adam Seligman, The Eucharist Sacrifice and the Changing Utopian Moment in Post Reformation Christianity Bernardo Arevalo de Leon, De-axialization/Re-axialization: The Case of Brazilian Millenialism Shlomo Fischer, Jewish Salvational Visions, Utopias, and Attitudes towards the Halacha Shlomo Fischer, Turning Classic Models into Utopias: The Neo Confucianist Critique Sarit Helman, Turning Classic Models into Utopias: The Neo Confucianist Critique Hariet Hartman, Can a Hindu Utopia be a Moslem Utopia? Examples from 12 century India and beyond Sarit Helman, The Javanese Conception of Order and its Relationship to Millenarian Motifs and Imagery S.N. Eisenstadt, Utopias and Dynamics of Civilizations: some concluding observations Contributors Index

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