Intelligent interfaces : theory, research and design
Intelligent interfaces : theory, research and design
(Human factors in information technology / series editors, Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Peter G. Polson ; assistant series editors, Klaus-Peter Fähnrich, Jürgen Ziegler, v. 1)
North-Holland, 1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全20件
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Includes bibliography and index
Despite the interface being the focal nexus of human-computer interaction, few books have as yet been written on how to design high quality human-computer interfaces, and most rely on guidelines and experimental results from either research in cognitive psychology or from practical experience with interface development. However, computing technology continues to advance and many of the existing interface design guidelines stem from experience with earlier generations of computing technology. From the perspective provided by a number of different researchers, this book is intended to provide an introduction to a new form of interface design that is based upon present and future technology, rather than yesterday's. The contributions are concerned with the nature, composition, and implementation of the cognitive interaction between the human and the computer, through the development of intelligent interfaces. The topic is addressed from a variety of theoretical, empirical, and design perspectives, by authors who are currently carrying out research in interface design and related issues.
An Introduction to Intelligent Interfaces (M.H. Chignell, P.A. Hancock, A. Loewenthal). Human Factors and Artificial Intelligence (S.K. Card). Interfacing Human and Machine Intelligence (B.H. Kantowitz). Four Approaches to Human Computer Interaction (R.E. Eberts, C.G. Eberts). Human Interactive Informational Processes (M.C. Polson et al.). Direct Manipulation in the Intelligent Interface (R.J.K. Jacob). Dialogue Design for Intelligent Interfaces (J. Elkerton, R.C. Williges). Constructing Knowledge Bases: A Process for Instruction (S.R. Trollip, R.C. Lippert). Understanding and Enhancing ``On-Line'' Procedural Documentation Usage (G.L. Myers et al.). Knowledge-Based Supervisory Control for Aerospace Applications (T.J. Higgins, M.H. Chignell, P.A. Hancock). Index.
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