The USSR and Latin America : a developing relationship
The USSR and Latin America : a developing relationship
Unwin Hyman, 1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全13件
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Includes bibliographies and index
This collection of essays by both Latin American specialists and Sovietologists discusses relations between the USSR and Latin America. It approaches Soviet-Latin American relations from a multiple perspective. The contributors aim to elucidate the way in which the region fits into Soviet global concerns and the degree to which the USSR has been successful in employing various instruments (the region's Communist parties, Cuba, Eastern European countries and its own trade instruments) in pursuit of its objectives in South America. The essays discuss Soviet political strategy and economic relations with countries in Central America, South America and the Caribbean and analyze the turning points in relations with the Soviet Union, evaluating the reasons for the expansion of contacts at either the official or non-official level.
- Part 1 Latin America in the Soviet Third World strategy: the political dimension, David E.Albright
- Soviet economic strategy in Latin America, Elizabeth K.Valkenier
- an unclear menace - US perceptions of Soviet strategy in Latin America, Richard L.Millett. Part 2 Soviet perspectives on Latin America: the Latin American Communist movement - realities and relations with the Soviet Union, Edme Dominguez
- the nature and uses of the Soviet-Cuban connection, Jorge I.Dominguez
- Soviet economic relations with Cuba, Carmelo Mesa-Lago and Fernando Gil
- Soviet trade relations with Latin America, Robert K.Evanson
- Eastern Europe and Latin America, Michael Radu. Part 3 Soviet policy toward Latin America: the Soviet Union and Latin America, Peter Clement and W.Raymond Duncan
- the USSR and Mexico, Brian Latell
- pragmatism and rapprochement - Soviet relations with Argentina and Brazil, Aldo C.Vacs
- the USSR and the Andean countries, Ruben Berrios.
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