Recent development, application, and bibliography of agro-adjuvants
Recent development, application, and bibliography of agro-adjuvants
(Adjuvants and agrochemicals / editor-in-chief, Paul N.P. Chow ; editors, Cynthia A. Grant, Anne M. Hinshalwood ; editor (reference), Elva Simundsson, v. 2)
CRC Press, c1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全5件
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Includes bibliographies and index
Studies of Adjuvants involve many scientific fields from basic research of the chemistry, through investigations into physiological effects and environmental impact, to mixture formulation and field use. These important areas are illustrated in these two volumes, which are contributions from the First International Symposium on Adjuvants for Agrochemicals, held in Brandon, Manitoba on August 5 to 7, 1986. A total of 200 participants from 19 countries met to discuss their common interest in adjuvant science, technology, and application. It is the editors? hope that these volumes will stimulate interest in and promote a better understanding of the chemical, physiological, and agronomic aspects of adjuvants as they relate agrochemicals. In addition, the revised ?Adjuvants for Agrochemicals: A Selected Bibliography of World Literature in the English Language? will be a valuable resource for agricultural researchers and other users. We hope that adjuvant research will lead to even safer, more efficient, and more economical use of chemicals in agriculture and forestry.
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