The advancement of science, and its burdens : the Jefferson lecture and other essays


The advancement of science, and its burdens : the Jefferson lecture and other essays

Gerald Holton

Cambridge University Press, 1986

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Bibliography: p. 305-331

Includes index



In this book, Professor Holton continues his analysis of how modem science works and what its influences are on our world, with particular emphasis on the role of the thematic elements - those often unconscious presuppositions that guide scientific work to success or failure. The foundation of the book is provided by the author's research on the work of Albert Einstein, which is then contrasted with other styles of research in the advancement of science. The author deals directly with the often unforeseen consequences of the progress of contemporary science, detailing its fruits as well as its burdens. The many questions examined in this work range over a broad spectrum of areas that command the attention of all readers with an interest in understanding the development of modem science.

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