Recent developments in theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics : compressible and incompressible flows


Recent developments in theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics : compressible and incompressible flows

edited by U. Müller, K.G. Roesner, B. Schmidt

Springer-Verlag, 1979

  • : Berlin
  • : New York


Published in honor of J. Zierep

Includes bibliographical references



Dedicated to Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Zierep


I Compressible Flow.- 1 Transonic Flow.- Heuristic Observations Related to the Computation of Transonic Flow Fields.- Physikalische Deutung der Vertraglichkeitsbedingungen.- A Necessary Condition to the Transonic Controversy.- Spezielle Losungen der nichtlinearen, schallnahen Potentialgleichung mit Viskositatsterm.- Untersuchung der Nachexpansion hinter einem senkrechten Verdichtungsstoss an der gekrummten Wand.- A Self-Consistent Formulation of the Transonic Small-Disturbance Theory.- Das Storpotential fur instationare schallnahe Stromungen.- Shock Waves Around Bodies Travelling at Slightly Greater Than Sonic Speed.- Density Distribution in a Non-Stationary Bow Wave in a Transonic Flow.- Non-Asymptotic Shock-Detachment Distance of Slender Cones in Transonic Flow.- Ein potential theoretisches Modell fur Ablosegebiete hinter Stosswellen.- Die Wirbel Senkenstromung eines kompressiblen Mediums.- 2 Supersonic Flow.- Range of Validity of the Formulae Derived Linear Aerodynamic Theory for the Prandtl Supersonic Jet Problem.- Kinematics of Mach Waves Inside and Outside Supersonic Jets.- Boundary-Layer Visualization in a Shock Tube.- Die Dichteverteilung in einem stationaren, rotationssymmetrischen uberschau -frei strahl, der gegen schwachen Unter- oder Uberdruck austritt.- 3 Nozzle Flow.- Supersonic Nozzle Flowfields: A Comparison of Fully Viscous and Navier-Stokes Solutions.- Numerical Estimations of Third Generation Gas Dynamic Lasers Bow Shock Waves.- On Flows with Heat Addition in Laval Nozzles.- 4 Rarefied Gas Flow.- Knudsen Layers. Theory and Experiment.- Nonstationary Heat and Mass Transfer Between Two Plane Surfaces in the Transition Knudsen Regime.- The Structure of a Shock Wave Close to a Wall.- Hyperschall-Totwasser von Gemischen leichter und schwerer Gase geringer Dichte.- Flow in a Rapidly Rotating Cylinder with Mechanically Driven Recirculation.- 5 Computational Gas Dynamics.- Numerical Aids to Theoretical Gas Dynamics.- Transonic Flow Computations Finite Elements: Airfoil Optimization and Analysis.- The Problem of Accuracy in Numerics and Thermodynamics at the Solution of the Hypersonic Boundary Layer Equations Including Chemical Reactions.- Die Berechnung stationarer reibungsfreier Stromungsfelder um stumpfe Korper im schallnahen uberschau mittels eines zeitabhangigen Differenzenverfahrens.- A Study of the Interaction Between Floating Heat Layer and Solid Wall.- A Contribution to the Prediction of Distorted Flow in Axial Compressors.- II Incompressible Flow.- 6 Stability Phenomena.- Das Cauchyproblem der Helmholtzschen Wirbelgleichung mit einer Differenzennaherung.- The Dilemma of Defining a Vortex.- Higher Eigenstates of Gortier Vortices.- Gortier Vortices in the Nonlinear Region.- An Analytical Approach to the Determination of Neutral Stability Curves.- Rotationssymmetrische Stromungen im Kugelspalt.- Influence of Initial and Boundary Conditions of Benard Convection.- Vertically Staggered Patterns in Free Convective Flow.- Nonstationary Convection in a Rotating System.- Convection and the Solar Granulation.- Die Stabilitat der Stromung einer einfachen viskoelastischen Flussigkeit in einem konvergenten Kanal gegen stationare und periodische Storungen.- Solution of Orr-Sommerfeld Problems Using the Factorisation (Riccati) Method.- Vibrations and Stability in Nonlinear Systems with One Degree of Freedom.- 7 Boundary Layer.- Einige Uberlegungen zur Geschwindigkeitsverteilung und zur Wandreibung in inkompressiblen rotationssymmetrischen turbulenten Grenzschichten mit Querkrummung.- Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layers in an Incompressible Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow.- Second Order Boundary-Layer Effects for Large Injection or Suction.- On the Influence of the Molecular Prandtl Number on the Turbulent Prandtl Number.- 8 Jet Flow.- On the Long-Range Action of Turbulent Pressure Fluctuations.- Unsteady Subsonic Turbulent Jets.- Weak Buoyancy in Laminar Vertical Jets.- 9 Airfoil Theory.- The Wing Section Theory of Kutta and Zhukovski.- The Inverse Problem for Multiconnected Airfoil Systems.- 10 Fluid Machinery.- Untersuchung des Druckverlustes und des Warmeuberganges in rotierenden Kanalen mit rechteckigem Querschnitt.- Berechnung der ausgebildeten Stromung in gekrummten Kanalen mit rechteckigem Querschnitt.- Small Disturbance Swirl Flow in Turbomachinery Bladings.- A Method for Designing Radial Rotor Blades Means of Surfaces of Revolution.- 11 Miscellaneous Problems.- Dynamics of a Nuclear-Reactor Shell Structure in an Incompressible Fluid.- Sustained Flow Oscillations in a Thermal-Hydraulic Coupled System.- Finite-Difference Simulation of Tsunami Propagation.- On a Continuum Model of Blood Flow.- Ober den Einfluss der Reibung in den Energiegleichungen der Stromungsmechanik.- A New Method of Analysing Hot-Wire Signals and Its Dependence on Cooling Law and Probe Position.

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