
Theories of justice

Brian Barry

(A treatise on social justice / Brian Barry, v. 1)

Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 32



Includes bibliography and index



This book addresses itself to the question - What is social justice? The author provides a systematic and detailed analysis of two kinds of answers. One is that justice arises from a sense of the advantage to everyone of having constraints on the pursuit of self interest. The other answer connects the idea of justice with that of impartiality. The author's commitment to egalitarian and international allegiances is conveyed throughout the text.


  • Part 1 Don't shoot the trumpeter! - problems of fair division: the case of the noxious neighbour
  • what is a fair solution?
  • fair division from a wider perspective. Part 2 Hume and Rawls on justice in society: Hume on justice
  • Rawls on justice - international and integrational justice
  • the difference principle. Part 3 Justice as mutual advantage versus justice as impartiality: some questions of method
  • constructing theories of justice - two-stage theories, original position theories.

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