
General neurochemical techniques

edited by Alan A. Boulton and Glen B. Baker

(Neuromethods, 1, series I, Neurochemistry)

Humana Press, c1985


Includes bibliographies and index



Techniques in the neurosciences are evolving rapidly. There are currently very few volumes dedicated to the methodology - ployed by neuroscientists, and those that are available often seem either out of date or limited in scope. This series IS about the methods most widely used by modern-day neuroscientists and is written by their colleagues who are practicing experts. Volume 1 will be useful to all neuroscientists since it concerns those procedures used routmely across the widest range of s- disciplines. Collecting these general techniques together in a s- gle volume strikes us not only as a service, but will no doubt prove of exceptional utilitarian value as well. Volumes 2 and 3 - scribe current procedures for the analyses of amines and their - tabolites and of amino acids, respectively. These collections will clearly be of value to all neuroscientists working in or contempl- ing research in these fields. Similar reasons exist for Volume 4 on receptor binding techniques since experimental details are p- vided for many types of ligand-receptor binding, including ch- ters on general principles, drug discovery and development, and a most useful appendix on computer programs for Scatchard, nonlinear and competitive displacement analyses. Volume 5 p- vides procedures for the assessment of enzymes involved in biogenic amine synthesis and catabolism. Volumes in the NEUROMETHODS series will be useful to neuro-chemists, -pharmacologists, -physiologists, -anatomists, psychopharmacologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and chemists (organic, analytical, pharmaceutical, medicinal); in fact, everyone involved in the neurosciences, both basic and clinical.


Microdissection of Individual Brain Nuclei and Areas.- Subcellular Fractionation.- Brain Slices.- Cell and Tissue Cultures.- Monoclonal Antibodies.- Identification of Central Transmitters.- Electrical and Chemical Stimulation of Brain Tissue In Vivo.- Perfusion Techniques for Neural Tissue.- Brain Electrical Activity in Relation to Behavior.- Neurotransimitter-Selective Brain Lesions.- Methods to Determine Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Transport.- Axonal Transport Methods and Applications.- Neurochemical Studies in Human Postmortem Brain Tissue.- Histochemical Mapping of Vertebrate Brains for Study of Evolution.

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