Home advantage : social class and parental intervention in elementary education


Home advantage : social class and parental intervention in elementary education

Annette Lareau

(Education policy perspectives, Social analysis series)

Falmer Press, 1989

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Bibliography: p. 225-241

Includes index



ISBN 9781850003120


This historical and sociological survey of two communities looks into the relation between parents and teachers of different social classes and puts forward the argument that social class, independent of ability, does affect schooling, because of the availability of money and time. This book does not concentrate on one social institution, but on family life and school life. With family life, the middle-class parent is more likely to take their work home with them. Yet Lareau's research also shows that middle-class parents are more inclined to spend more time and money on their children's education. The book ends with a personal essay on the common problems faced in this sort of field work.


  • Social class and parent involvement in schooling
  • what do teachers want from parents?
  • separation between family and school - Colton
  • interconnectedness between family and school - Prescott
  • mothers and fathers - gender differences in parent involvement in schooling
  • why does social class influence parent involvement in schooling?
  • educational profits - the positive impact of parent involvement on children's school careers
  • the dark side of parent involvement in schooling - costs for families and teachers
  • social class differences in inter-institutional linkages
  • common problems in field work - a personal essay.

: pbk ISBN 9781850003175


This historical and sociological survey of two communities looks into the relation between parents and teachers of different social classes and puts forward the argument that social class, independent of ability, does affect schooling, because of the availability of money and time. This book does not concentrate on one social institution but on family life and school life. With family life, the middle class parent is more likely to take their work home with them. Yet Lareau's research also shows that middle class parents are more inclined to spend more time and money on their children's education. The book ends with a personal essay on the common problems faced in this sort of field work.


  • Social class and parent involvement in schooling
  • what do teachers want from parents?
  • separation between family and school - Colton
  • interconnectedness between family and school - Prescott
  • mothers and fathers - gender differences in parent involvement in schooling
  • why does social class influence parent involvement in schooling?
  • educational profits - the positive impact of parent involvement on children's school careers
  • the dark side of parent involvement in schooling - costs for families and teachers
  • social class differences in inter-institutional linkages
  • common problems in field work - a personal essay.

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