Biochemistry of vitamin A
Biochemistry of vitamin A
CRC Press, c1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The main emphasis of this text is on the biochemistry, metabolism and systemic mode of action of vitamin A. The physiological, biochemical and nutritional aspects of naturally occurring retinoids are clearly addressed. Chapters review biogenesis, absorption, storage, transport, and metabolic transformations of vitamin A. Further discussion includes vision and bacteriorhodopsin, vitamin A deficiency and hypervitaminosis A, and the vitamin A in prevention and cure of cancer.
Biogenesis. Enzymes Involved in Absorption and Metabolism. Absorption from the Intestine. Storage in Liver. Transport from Liver. Delivery of Holo-RBP to Cells. Metabolic Transformations. Systemic Mode of Action. Vision and Bacteriorhodopsin. Requirements, Vitamin A Deficiency, and Hypervitaminosis A in Humans. Retinoids in Cancer and Dermatology. Appendix. Index.
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