Internal kinematics and dynamics of galaxies : symposium no. 100, held in Besancon, France, August 9-13, 1982


Internal kinematics and dynamics of galaxies : symposium no. 100, held in Besancon, France, August 9-13, 1982

edited by E. Athanassoula ; International Astronomical Union

(Symposium / International Astronomical Union, no. 100)

D. Reidel Pub. Co. , Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston, c1983

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes bibliographical references and index



ISBN 9789027715463


Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 100, held in Besancon, France, August 9-13, 1982


I. Kinematics of Gas and the Undunderlying Mass Distribution.- Systematics of HII Rotation Curves.- HI Velocity Fields and Rotation Curves.- A High Resolution HI Survey of M31.- High Velocity HI in the Inner 5 KPC of M31.- Comparison of Global 21 cm Velocity Profiles with H?, Rotation Curves.- TAURUS — A Wide Field Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometer.- HI Observations of the Irregular Galaxy IC 10.- The Distribution of Molecular Clouds in Spiral Galaxies.- The CO Rotation Curve of the Milky Way : Accuracy and Implications.- Cold Molecular Material in the Galaxy.- Molecular Clouds in the Galactic Nucleus.- Molecular Clouds in Spiral Galaxies.- CO Observations of M51.- Gas at Large Radii.- Rotation Curve and Mass Model for the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 5907.- Optical Features Associated with the Extended HI Enveloppe of M83.- M82 — Tilt and Warp of its Principal Plane.- Vertical Motion and the Thickness of HI Disks Implications For Galactic Mass Models.- Do Spiral Galaxies Have a Variable Disk Thickness?.- Mass Distribution and Dark Halos.- The Origin of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies.- NGC 3992 — A Galaxy Without a Massive Halo.- Groups of Galaxies and the Missing Mass Problem.- HI Observations of the Interacting Galaxies — VV 371 and VV 329.- Distribution and Motions of Atomic Hydrogen in Lenticular Galaxies.- Neutral Hydrogen Mapping of three SO Galaxies.- II. Spiral Structure.- Theory of Spiral Structure.- Quasi-Stationary Spiral Structure in Galaxies.- Dynamical Mechanisms for Discrete Unstable Spiral Modes in Galaxies.- Global Instabilities of a Galaxy Model.- Global Stability Analysis of an SO Galaxy NGC 3115.- Spiral Instabilities and Disk Heating.- On the Evolution of Perturbed Gas Disks.- Cloud-Particle Dynamics and Star Formation in Spiral Galaxies.- The BallisticParticle Model.- Relation Between Star Formation and Angular Momentum in Spiral Galaxies.- Model Calculations on the Large Scale Distribution of Bubbles in Galaxies.- HI-Shells in M31.- Selfpropagating Stochastic Star Formation and Spiral Structure.- Velocity Structures in the Vertical Extensions of Spiral Arms.- Vertical Structure of Spiral Shocks in a Corrugated Galactic Disc.- Recent Taurus Results on H? Velocities in M83.- Possible Evidence for Lin’s Three-Wave Interaction Mechanism at Corotation in the Galaxy NGC.- Spectral Analysis of the Luminosity Distribution of Seven Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.- Fourier Analysis of Spiral Tracers. A Progress Report.- Large Scale Magnetohydrodynamical Considerations in Spiral Galaxies.- Magnetic Fields and Spiral Structure.- Spiral Structure : Density Waves or Material Arms ?.- Conflicts and Directions in Spiral Structure.- III. Warps.- Theories of Warps.- Galactic Warps in Tilted Halos.- Periodic Orbits and Warps.- IV. Barred Galaxies.- Morphology, Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics of Barred Galaxies.- Disk Stability.- Instabilities of Hot Stellar Discs.- Stabilizing a Cold Disk with a 1/r Force Law.- Numerical Experiments on the Response Mechanism of Barred Spirals.- Ordered and Semi-Ergodic Motions in Barred Galaxies.- Onset of Stochasticity in Barred Spirals.- Attacking the Problem of a Selfconsistent Bar.- Theoretical Studies of Gas Flow in Barred Spiral Galaxies.- Periodic Orbits and Gas Flow in Barred Spiral Galaxies.- The Response of the Ensemble of Molecular Clouds to Bar Forcing in a Galaxy Disk.- Gas Flow Models for Barred Spirals.- Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of the Barred Galaxy NGC 5383.- Kinematics of the Barred Galaxy NGC 1365.- HI in the Barred Spiral Galaxies NGC 1365 and NGC 1097.- Observationsof the Neutral Hydrogen in the Barred Spiral Galaxies NGC 3992 and NGC 4731.- The Barred Galaxy NGC 7741.- Hydrodynamical Models of Offcentered Barred Spirals.- Structure and Dynamics of Magellanic Type Galaxies.- Formation of Rings And Lenses.- Lenses and Low Surface Brightness Disks.- V. Spheroidal Systems.- Dynamics of Early-Type Galaxies.- Rotational Velocities and Central Velocity Dispersions for a Sample of SO Galaxies.- Models of Ellipticals and Bulges.- The Stability of Axisymmetric Galaxy Models with Anisotropic Dispersions.- Three-Dimensional Orbits in Triaxial Galaxies.- Scale-Free Models of Elliptical Galaxies.- Axisymmetric Models of Elliptical Galaxies with Anisotropy.- New Phenomena in Triaxial Stellar Systems.- Kinematic Modelling of NGC 3379.- Interstellar Matter In Elliptical Galaxies.- Sensitive Search for HI in E and SO galaxies.- Neutral Hydrogen Observations of the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies NGC 185 and NGC 205.- Extended Gaseous Emission in Normal Elliptical Galaxies.- Gas and Star Kinematics in Elliptical Galaxies.- Optical Kinematics of Strong Radio Galaxies.- Dust and Gas in Triaxial Galaxies.- VI. Mergers.- Observational Evidence For Mergers.- Taurus Observations of the Emission-Line Velocity Field of Centaurus A(NGC 5128).- Kinematics and Evolution of NGC 5128.- Simulations Of Galaxy Mergers.- On the Formation and Dynamics of Shells around Elliptical Galaxies.- Merger Cross-Sections of Colliding Galaxies.- Environmental Effects on Galaxies in Clusters.- Collisions and Merging of Disk Galaxies.- Energy Transfer during the Tidal Encounter of Disc Galaxies.- VII. Galaxy Formation.- Dynamics Of Globular Cluster Systems.- Kinematics of Clusters in M33.- SO and Smooth-arm Sa’s within the Hubble Sequence.- Is the Hubble Type of a Disk SystemEssentially Determined by one Parameter : Total Mass ?.- Systematics of Bulge-to-Disk Ratios.- The Manifold of Elliptical Galaxies.- The Formation Of Galaxies.- What May Superclusters Tell us About Galaxy Formation?.- Thick discs and the Formation of Disc Galaxies.- Galaxy Formation : Some Comparisons Between Theory And Observation.- Summary : Observational Viewpoint.- Spry : Theoretical Viewpoint.- Name Index.- Object Index.

pbk. ISBN 9789027715470


It was particulary appropriate that the IAU Symposium N 100 be held in Besan~on in 1982 (August 9-13), since this coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Observatoire de Besan~on. The meeting was held on the campus of the Universite de Franche-Comte and was sponsored by IAU commission 28 and co-sponsored by commissions 33 and 40. It was organized under the auspices of the Ministere de l'Education Nationale, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the Institut National d'Astronomie et de Geophysique. It was attended by 166 scien- tists from 22 countries. The subject of the symposium was internal kinematics and dynamics of galaxies and it was aimed to confront recent theoretical developments in this field with the wealth of new observational mate- rial obtained during the last few years. Barred galaxies and spiral structure were two major topics, though unfortunately at the last minute the main proponent of one of the spiral formation theories was unable to attend. The program included 23 reviews, 53 contributions and 39 poster papers, and there was ample time for discussion.


I. Kinematics of Gas and the Undunderlying Mass Distribution.- Systematics of HII Rotation Curves.- HI Velocity Fields and Rotation Curves.- A High Resolution HI Survey of M31.- High Velocity HI in the Inner 5 KPC of M31.- Comparison of Global 21 cm Velocity Profiles with H?, Rotation Curves.- TAURUS - A Wide Field Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometer.- HI Observations of the Irregular Galaxy IC 10.- The Distribution of Molecular Clouds in Spiral Galaxies.- The CO Rotation Curve of the Milky Way : Accuracy and Implications.- Cold Molecular Material in the Galaxy.- Molecular Clouds in the Galactic Nucleus.- Molecular Clouds in Spiral Galaxies.- CO Observations of M51.- Gas at Large Radii.- Rotation Curve and Mass Model for the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 5907.- Optical Features Associated with the Extended HI Enveloppe of M83.- M82 - Tilt and Warp of its Principal Plane.- Vertical Motion and the Thickness of HI Disks Implications For Galactic Mass Models.- Do Spiral Galaxies Have a Variable Disk Thickness?.- Mass Distribution and Dark Halos.- The Origin of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies.- NGC 3992 - A Galaxy Without a Massive Halo.- Groups of Galaxies and the Missing Mass Problem.- HI Observations of the Interacting Galaxies - VV 371 and VV 329.- Distribution and Motions of Atomic Hydrogen in Lenticular Galaxies.- Neutral Hydrogen Mapping of three SO Galaxies.- II. Spiral Structure.- Theory of Spiral Structure.- Quasi-Stationary Spiral Structure in Galaxies.- Dynamical Mechanisms for Discrete Unstable Spiral Modes in Galaxies.- Global Instabilities of a Galaxy Model.- Global Stability Analysis of an SO Galaxy NGC 3115.- Spiral Instabilities and Disk Heating.- On the Evolution of Perturbed Gas Disks.- Cloud-Particle Dynamics and Star Formation in Spiral Galaxies.- The Ballistic Particle Model.- Relation Between Star Formation and Angular Momentum in Spiral Galaxies.- Model Calculations on the Large Scale Distribution of Bubbles in Galaxies.- HI-Shells in M31.- Selfpropagating Stochastic Star Formation and Spiral Structure.- Velocity Structures in the Vertical Extensions of Spiral Arms.- Vertical Structure of Spiral Shocks in a Corrugated Galactic Disc.- Recent Taurus Results on H? Velocities in M83.- Possible Evidence for Lin's Three-Wave Interaction Mechanism at Corotation in the Galaxy NGC.- Spectral Analysis of the Luminosity Distribution of Seven Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster.- Fourier Analysis of Spiral Tracers. A Progress Report.- Large Scale Magnetohydrodynamical Considerations in Spiral Galaxies.- Magnetic Fields and Spiral Structure.- Spiral Structure : Density Waves or Material Arms ?.- Conflicts and Directions in Spiral Structure.- III. Warps.- Theories of Warps.- Galactic Warps in Tilted Halos.- Periodic Orbits and Warps.- IV. Barred Galaxies.- Morphology, Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics of Barred Galaxies.- Disk Stability.- Instabilities of Hot Stellar Discs.- Stabilizing a Cold Disk with a 1/r Force Law.- Numerical Experiments on the Response Mechanism of Barred Spirals.- Ordered and Semi-Ergodic Motions in Barred Galaxies.- Onset of Stochasticity in Barred Spirals.- Attacking the Problem of a Selfconsistent Bar.- Theoretical Studies of Gas Flow in Barred Spiral Galaxies.- Periodic Orbits and Gas Flow in Barred Spiral Galaxies.- The Response of the Ensemble of Molecular Clouds to Bar Forcing in a Galaxy Disk.- Gas Flow Models for Barred Spirals.- Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of the Barred Galaxy NGC 5383.- Kinematics of the Barred Galaxy NGC 1365.- HI in the Barred Spiral Galaxies NGC 1365 and NGC 1097.- Observations of the Neutral Hydrogen in the Barred Spiral Galaxies NGC 3992 and NGC 4731.- The Barred Galaxy NGC 7741.- Hydrodynamical Models of Offcentered Barred Spirals.- Structure and Dynamics of Magellanic Type Galaxies.- Formation of Rings And Lenses.- Lenses and Low Surface Brightness Disks.- V. Spheroidal Systems.- Dynamics of Early-Type Galaxies.- Rotational Velocities and Central Velocity Dispersions for a Sample of SO Galaxies.- Models of Ellipticals and Bulges.- The Stability of Axisymmetric Galaxy Models with Anisotropic Dispersions.- Three-Dimensional Orbits in Triaxial Galaxies.- Scale-Free Models of Elliptical Galaxies.- Axisymmetric Models of Elliptical Galaxies with Anisotropy.- New Phenomena in Triaxial Stellar Systems.- Kinematic Modelling of NGC 3379.- Interstellar Matter In Elliptical Galaxies.- Sensitive Search for HI in E and SO galaxies.- Neutral Hydrogen Observations of the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies NGC 185 and NGC 205.- Extended Gaseous Emission in Normal Elliptical Galaxies.- Gas and Star Kinematics in Elliptical Galaxies.- Optical Kinematics of Strong Radio Galaxies.- Dust and Gas in Triaxial Galaxies.- VI. Mergers.- Observational Evidence For Mergers.- Taurus Observations of the Emission-Line Velocity Field of Centaurus A(NGC 5128).- Kinematics and Evolution of NGC 5128.- Simulations Of Galaxy Mergers.- On the Formation and Dynamics of Shells around Elliptical Galaxies.- Merger Cross-Sections of Colliding Galaxies.- Environmental Effects on Galaxies in Clusters.- Collisions and Merging of Disk Galaxies.- Energy Transfer during the Tidal Encounter of Disc Galaxies.- VII. Galaxy Formation.- Dynamics Of Globular Cluster Systems.- Kinematics of Clusters in M33.- SO and Smooth-arm Sa's within the Hubble Sequence.- Is the Hubble Type of a Disk System Essentially Determined by one Parameter : Total Mass ?.- Systematics of Bulge-to-Disk Ratios.- The Manifold of Elliptical Galaxies.- The Formation Of Galaxies.- What May Superclusters Tell us About Galaxy Formation?.- Thick discs and the Formation of Disc Galaxies.- Galaxy Formation : Some Comparisons Between Theory And Observation.- Summary : Observational Viewpoint.- Spry : Theoretical Viewpoint.- Name Index.- Object Index.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Symposium

    International Astronomical Union

    D. Reidel Pub. Co.


  • ISBN
    • 9027715467
    • 9027715475
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston, U.S.A.,Hingham, MA
  • ページ数/冊数
    xvi, 432 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
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