Dictionary of physics in four languages : Russian, English, German and French


Dictionary of physics in four languages : Russian, English, German and French

compiled by V.J. Rydnik, E.A. Sviridenkov and N.D. Voropaev

Elsevier, 1989


Russian-English-German-French dictionary of physics : basic terms

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



"Approx. 5000 terms."

"Published in coedition with Russky Yazyk, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1989." -- T.p. verso



This dictionary is one of a series of dictionaries brought out by Russky Yazyk Publishers which deals with the main branches of science and technology, giving the main terms pertaining to the branch concerned.The Russian vocabulary contained in this dictionary is based on the Explanatory Dictionary of Physics: The Main Terms brought out by Russky Yazyk Publishers in 1987, and enlarged by the addition of a number of widely used Russian terms and terminological phrases which prove rather difficult to translate.The dictionary is intended for a wide range of users - from engineers using physical methods of investigation in their work to students attending colleges and universities. It is also a useful tool for physicists and translators of literature on physics.

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