Immunology of the fungal diseases
Immunology of the fungal diseases
CRC Press, c1989
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographies and index
This informative text is divided into eight chapters, each of which presents a comprehensive review of natural and acquired host defense mechanisms in a major mycotic disease. The chapters are written by distinguished scientists whose studies have contributed significantly to the understanding of the immunology of the mycoses. This text should provide a valuable reference for researchers, practicing clinicians, and new investigators entering this expanding field.
Chapter 1 -- Dermatophytosis /Peter G. Sohnle -- Chapter 2 -- Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis /Alayn R. Waldorf and Richard D. Diamond -- Chapter 3 -- Candidiasis /Judith E. Domer and Emily W. Carrow -- Chapter 4 -- Cryptococcosis /Juneann W. Murphy -- Chapter 5 -- Blastomycosis /George S. Deepe, Jr. -- Chapter 6 -- Coccidioidomycosis /Rebecca A. Cox -- Chapter 7 -- Histoplasmosis /Betty Wu-Hsieh and Dexter H. Howard -- Chapter 8 -- Paracoccidioidomycosis /Beatriz Jimenez-Finkel and Angela Restrepo-Moreno -- Index.
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