Feminism and sociological theory


Feminism and sociological theory

edited by Ruth A. Wallace

(Key issues in sociological theory, 4)

Sage Publications, c1989

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 36



Includes bibliographies



Prior to the late 1960's, sociological theory was surrounded by an overwhelming preponderance of men--in terms of published writings, university professors, graduate students, professional organizations, and in research centers. The contemporary women's movement of the late 1960's challenged this trend by asking questions such as: Why shouldn't there be more women professors, graduate students, researchers, and theorists? Since this time, professional organizations have seen a dramatic increase in women memberships, but the number of women in leadership roles has been disappointing. It is not surprising that feminist concerns have suffered from this kind of benign neglect. This volume is an attempt to reverse the trend and to make feminist concerns a top priority in sociological theory. The aims of this volume are: to bring theoretical efforts of feminist scholarship into the mainstream, to illuminate the directions of theoretical work currently in progress, and to encourage more thinking and writing about feminist implications in sociological theory. Contributing to this volume are some of the leading figures in feminist research--Jessie Bernard, Rose L. Coser, and Joan Acker. It should be of interest to feminist scholars, as well as students and professionals in the areas of sociology, political science, social theory, and gender studies. "Smith, Acker, and others are leading figures within the feminine discourse."


Introduction - Ruth A Wallace PART ONE: ENLARGING THE HORIZONS OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY The Dissemination of Feminist Thought - Jessie Bernard 1960-1988 Sociological Theory - Dorothy E Smith Methods of Writing Patriarchy Making Gender Visible - Joan Acker Psychoanalytic Feminism - Edith Kurzweil Implications for Sociological Theory PART TWO: CRITIQUE AND RE-EVALUATION OF EXISTING THEORIES Feminism and the Theories of Talcott Parsons - Miriam M Johnson Habermas and Feminism - Thomas Meisenhelder The Future of Critical Theory PART THREE: EMERGING FEMINIST THEORIES Gender Equality - Janet Saltzman Chafetz Toward a Theory of Change Toward a Feminist Theory of Development - Rae Lesser Blumberg Reflections on Feminist Theory - Rose Laub Coser

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