Comparative pathophysiology for circulatory disturbances : proceedings

    • Symposium on Comparative Pathophysiology of Circulatory Disturbances, Kroc Foundation, 1971
    • Bloor, Colin M.
    • Kroc Foundation

Comparative pathophysiology for circulatory disturbances : proceedings

Edited by Colin M. Bloor

(Advances in experimental medicine and biology, v. 22)

Plenum Press, 1972


Includes bibliographical references



The biomedical community often complains of the crowded schedule of important meetings to be attended. It was thus with some reser- vations when the individuals participating in this conference accepted the invitation to attend a small gathering to discuss the "Comparative Pathophysiology of Circulatory Disturbances", held over three days in November, 1971. At the end of it they had changed their minds and were enthusiastic over the wisdom to hold meetingsof this kind. The conference was conceived some years earlier when it was apparent to the conveners that little opportunity exists in the common mammoth meetings to exchange detailed information and, p- haps more importantly, to transmit points of view between scientists of different disciplines. In particular, the voice of veterinarians and comparative biologists is not often heard by medical investigators, and vice versa. Thus, many animal models exist in nature whose investigative exploitation might make important contributions to an understanding of human disease, yet they are unknown to medical scientists. Conversely, veterinarians are often not aware of the needs of such models and their recognition is often delayed unduly. This conference, attended by investigators of various back- grounds was called to help correct these deficiencies, at least in a small segment of study, that concerned with circulatory pathophysiology.


Section 1: Comparative Pathophysiology of the Fetus and Neonate.- Prenatal Cardiovascular Adaptation.- Control of Systemic and Pulmonary Vasomotor Tone Before and After Birth.- Determinants of Coronary Flow and Myocardial Metabolism in the Newborn Lamb. Influences of Hypoxia and Acidosis.- Section 2: Comparative Pathophysiology of Marine Animals.- Comparative Circulatory Studies of Diving and Asphyxia.- Circulatory Function of Pink Salmon at the Spawning Grounds.- Coagulation Changes in Healthy and Sick Pacific Salmon.- Section 3: Comparative Pathophysiology of Atherosclerosis and Hypertension.- Alteration of Renin Release by Stress and Adrenergic Receptor and Related Drugs in Unanesthetized Rats.- Comparative Arteriosclerosis.- Effect of Exercise on Development of Atherosclerosis in Swine.- Comparative Cardiovascular Adaptation to Exercise.- Viral Arteritis of Horses.- Effects of Hypertension and Hypoxemia on Arterial Metabolism and Structure.- Comparative Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Hypertension:Development of a Model.- Section 4: Comparative Cardiac Pathophysiology.- Microcirculation of the Heart.- Comparative Aspects of Coronary Collateral Circulation.- The Effects of Hemorrhagic Shock on the Heart.- Structural Alterations of the Myocardium Induced by Chronic Work Overload.- Spontaneous Left Atrial Rupture in Dogs.- Comparative Aspects of Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs.- Pathophysiology of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Conscious Dogs.

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