Music and ceremony at Notre Dame of Paris, 500-1550


Music and ceremony at Notre Dame of Paris, 500-1550

Craig Wright

(Cambridge studies in music)

Cambridge University Press, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Bibliography: p. [376]-390

Includes index



This book is a history of the early musical life of the Parisian cathedral of Notre Dame. All aspects of the musical establishment of Notre Dame are covered, from Merovingian times to the period of the wars of religion in France. Nine discrete essays discuss the history of Parisian chant and liturgy and the pattern and structure of the cathedral services in the late Middle Ages; Notre Dame polyphony and the composers most closely associated with the cathedral, among them Leoninus, Perotinus and Philippe de Vitry; the organ and its repertoire; the choir, the musical education and performing traditions; and the relationship of the cathedral to the court.


  • Part I. Introduction: 1. The church, the clergy, and the cloister
  • Part II. Chant and Liturgy: 2. Aspects of Parisian chant and liturgy
  • 3. The Shape of liturgy in the Late Middle Ages
  • Part III. The Wondrous Machine: 4. The organ
  • Part IV. Personnel and Institutions: 5. The choirboys
  • 6. The church and the court
  • Part V. Repertoire, Composers, and Performance: 7. Gothic polyphony
  • 8. Composers
  • 9. Traditions of musical performance
  • Part VI. Conclusion.

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