African magmatism and tectonics : a volume in honour of W.Q. Kennedy


African magmatism and tectonics : a volume in honour of W.Q. Kennedy

edited by T.N. Clifford and I.G. Gass

Oliver & Boyd, 1970

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographies


  • The structutal framework of Africa, by T. N. Clifford
  • Archaean vulcanicity and continental evolution in the Barberton Region, Transvaal, by M. J. Viljoen and R. P. Viljoen
  • The evolution and structural setting of the Great Dyke, Rhodesia, by R. Bichan
  • Volcanic rocks of the Witwatersrand Triad, by H. C. M. Whiteside
  • The anorthosite of Southern Angola: a review of present data, by E. S. W. Simpson
  • Igneous activity and mineralisation episodes in the evolution of the kibaride and katangide orogenic belts of Central Africa, by L. Cahen
  • Orogenic and postorogenic plutonism in Malawi, by K. Bloomfield
  • Mineralogical and geochemical aspects of pegmatites from orogenic belts of Equatorial and Southern Africa, by O. Von Knorring
  • Late palaeozonic to recent igneous activity in West Africa and its relationship to basement structure, by R. Black and M. Girod
  • Tectonics and vulcanism of the Karroo period and their bearing on the postulated fragmentation of Gondwanaland, by K. G. Cox
  • -Petrochemical and tectonic relationship of the Malawi carbonatite-alkaline province and the LupataLebombo volcanics, by A. R. Woolley and M. S. Garson
  • Vulcanicity and rift tectonics in East Africa, by B. C. King
  • Tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Afro-Arabian dome, by I. G. Gass
  • The evolution of the Tibesti volcanic province, Eastern Sahara, by P. M. Vincent
  • The structural setting of African kimberlite magmatism, by J. B. Dawson
  • Tectonic control of dykes and related irruptive rocks in Eastern Africa, by J. R. Vail
  • Geochemical variations in African granitic rocks, and their structural implications, by J. M. Rooke
  • Convection and magmatism with reference to the African continent, by P. G. Harris

