On Hawthorne
On Hawthorne
(The Best from American literature)
Duke University Press, 1990
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Includes bibliographical references and index
From 1929 to the latest issue, American Literature has been the foremost journal expressing the findings of those who study our national literature. The jouranl has published the best work of literary historians, critics, and bibliographers, ranging from the founders of the discipline to the best current critics and researchers. The longevity of this excellence lends a special distinction to the articles in American Literature.
Presented in order of their first appearance, the articles in each volume constitute a revealing record of developing insights and important shifts of critical emphasis. Each article has opened a fresh line of inquiry, established a fresh perspective on a familiar topic, or settled a question that engaged the interest of experts.
Series Introduction vii
Hawthorne and Literary Nationalism (1941) / Neal F. Doubleday 1
Suggestions for Interpreting The Marble Faun (1941) / Dorothy Waples 8
The "Case" of Tobias Pearson: Hawthorne and dthe Ambiguities (1950) / Louise Dauner 24
The Double Symbol (1951) / Harold Orel 33
Hawthorne's Revision of "The Gentle Boy" (1954) / Seymour L. Gross 39
Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter: " The Dark Problem of this Life" (1955) / Hugh N. Maclean 52
The Gharacter of Flame: The Function of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter (1956) / Anne Marie McNamara 65
A New Reading of The Blithdale Romance (1957) / Frederick C. Crews 82
Hawthorne's Allegory of Science: "Rappaccini's Daughter" (1960) / Edward H. Rosenberry 106
Shadows of Doubt: Specter Evidence in Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" (1962) / David Levin 114
Hester Prynne's Little Pearl: Sacred and Profane Love (1968) / Robert E. Whelan 123
Hawthorne and Nineteenth-Century Perfectionism (1973) / Claudia D. Johnson 141
Hawthorne's Public Decade and the Values of Home (1974) / Terence Martin 152
Hawthorne's Coverdale: Character and Art in The Blithedale Romance (1975) / James H. Justus 164
Beyond Convention: The Dynamics of Imagery and Response in Hawthorne's Early Sense of Evil (1980) / David Downing 180
Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Mother: A Biographical Speculation (1982) / Nina Bryan 194
The Scarlet Letter and Revolutions Abroad (1985) / Larry J. Reynolds 221
Nature and Frontier in "Roger Malvin's Burial" (1988) / James McIntosh 245
Nathanel Hawthorne's Intention in "Chiefly About War Matters" (1989) / James Bense 262
Index 277
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