Maritime strategy and the balance of power : Britain and America in the twentieth century


Maritime strategy and the balance of power : Britain and America in the twentieth century

edited by John B. Hattendorf and Robert S. Jordan ; foreword by Robert O'Neill

(St. Antony's/Macmillan series)

Macmillan in association with St Antony's College, Oxford, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes index



A collection of essays on British and American maritime relationships in the 20th century together with details on the British organization of warfare, Anglo-American maritime theory, their rivalries and coalitions and their plans for dealing with a future war in the nuclear age.


  • Introduction: the balance of power and the Anglo-American maritime relationship, Robert S.Jordan. Part 1 The British model of organizing for 20th century coalition warfare: the origins of imperial defence, Norman H.Gibbs
  • the chiefs of staff and the higher organization for defence in Britain, 1904-1984, John C.Gooch
  • the influence of the British secretariat tradition on 20th century international peacekeeping, Robert S.Jordan. Part 2 Anglo-American maritime theory in the 20th century: Alfred Thayer Mahan and his strategic thought, John B.Hattendorf
  • Mahan revisited, Donald M.Schurman
  • the strategic thought of Sir Julian S.Corbett, Barry D.Hunt
  • recent thinking on the theory of naval strategy, John B.Hattendorf. Part 3 Anglo-American rivalries and coalitions: the relevance of the pre-war British and American maritime strategies to World War I and its aftermath, 1898-1920, Paul M.Kennedy
  • the Washington Conference and the naval balance of pwer, 1921-1922, J.Kenneth McDonald
  • "are we ready?" - the development of American and British naval strategy, 1922-1939, Malcolm H.Murfett
  • Anglo-American naval co-operation in World War II, 1939-1945, Marc Milner. Part 4 Planning for a future war in the nuclear age: Anglo-American maritime strategy in the era of massive retaliation, 1945-1960, Eric Grove and Geoffrey Till
  • Anglo-American maritime strategy in the era of flexible response, 1960-1980, Joel J.Sokolsky
  • fleet renewal and maritime strategy in the 1980s, Robert S.Wood. Conclusions: maritime strategy and national policy - historical accident or purposeful planning? John B.Hattendorf and Robert S.Jordan.

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