Georg Simmel and contemporary sociology
Georg Simmel and contemporary sociology
(Boston studies in the philosophy of science, v. 119)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1990
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全50件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
One: Simmel as a Puzzling Figure.- Two: Simmel as a Puzzling Figure for Contemporary Sociology.- On the Current Rediscovery of Georg Simmel’s Sociology — A European Point of View.- Georg Simmel’s Concept of Society.- Georg Simmel and the Study of Modernity.- The World as Human Construction.- Four Concepts of Social Science at Berlin University: Dilthey, Lazarus, Schmoller and Simmel.- Simmel’s Contribution to Parsons’ Action Theory and its Fate.- Simmel on Memory.- Social Differentiation and Modernity: On Simmel’s Macrosociology.- Simmel’s Sociology in Relation to Schopenhauer’s Philosophy.- Simmel on the Ratio of Subjective Values to Objective Cultural Possibilities.- On the Concept of “Erleben” in Georg Simmers Sociology.- Georg Simmel as an Analyst of Autonomous Dynamics: The Merry-Go-Round of Fashion.- Simmel, Individuality, and Fundamental Change.- Georg Simmel’s Theory of Culture.- The Groundwork of Simmel’s New “Storey” Beneath Historical Materialism.- Georg Simmel and the Cultural Dilemma of Women.- Dimensions of Conflict: Georg Simmel on Modern Life.- Simmel’s Influence on Lukács’s Conception of the Sociology of Art.- Simmel’s Metaphysics.- INDEX OF NAMES.
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