Your right to privacy : a basic guide to legal rights in an information society


Your right to privacy : a basic guide to legal rights in an information society

Evan Hendricks, Trudy Hayden, Jack D. Novick

(An American Civil Liberties Union handbook)

Southern Illinois University Press, c1990

2nd ed., completely rev. and up-to-date

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 23



Rev. ed. of: Your rights to privacy / Trudy Hayden. c1980

Includes bibliographical references



This carefully researched revision of an earlier edition of "Your Right to Privacy "documents the major assaults on privacy that have occurred since the advent of the computer age. Now our activities are recorded and the data stored in huge computer systems operated by corporations and government agencies, but weak privacy laws give us very little control over who sees those records. They explore privacy issues in connection with electronic surveillance results; drug and AIDS testing and polygraph tests; and government and private sector use of personal data, including bank, medical, employee, credit, video store, library, and social service records. A special chapter explains how private investigators gain access to personal records.

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