The American military
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The American military
(Trans-action books, TA 19)
Distributed by Aldine Pub. Co., c1971
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Essays originally appeared in the May 1966-Mar. 1970 issues of Trans-action magazine
Includes bibliographies
Contents of Works
- The American military : what it is / Maritn Oppenheimer
- Vietnam : why men fight / Charles C. Moskos, Jr
- Rebirth in the airborne / Melford S. Weiss
- America's new officer corps / Charles H. Coates
- ROTC retreat / Joseph W. Scott
- The price of war / Bruce M. Russett
- The American military : what it does / Martin Oppenheimer
- Lessons of Mylai / Edward M. Opton, Nevitt Sanford
- "Hell no, we won't go!" / John Cooney, Dana Spitzer
- Confrontation at the Conrad Hilton, from the Walker Commission report, Rights in conflict
- Black veterans return / James Fendrich, Michael Pearson