Technocracy and the politics of expertise


Technocracy and the politics of expertise

Frank Fischer

Sage Publications, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book describes the role of technological experts and expertise in a democratic society. It places decision-making strategies - studied in organization theory and policy studies - into a political context. Fischer brings theory to bear on the practical technocratic concerns of these disciplines and hopes to facilitate the development of nontechnocratic discourse within these fields. The book adopts a critical perspective and addresses the restructuring of the policy sciences.


PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Technocracy and Expertise The Basic Political Questions The Neglect of Normative Reason Technical Rationality and The Politics of Methodology PART TWO: THE TECHNOCRATIC PROJECT: ITS HISTORY AND AGENDA Technocratic Theory The Basic Themes in Historical Perspective Technocratic Theory in America From the Progressives to the Postindustrialists PART THREE: THE POLITICAL USES OF EXPERTISE: ILLUSTRATIONS FROM ORGANIZATION AND POLICY Managerial Expertise and Bureaucratic Control The Politics of Behavioral Science Technocracy and Policy Expertise The Politics of the `New Class' PART FOUR: TECHNOCORPORATISM: THEORY AND METHODS Apolitical Politics The Theory of the Technocorporate State Technocratic Methodology Central Guidance as Systems Plannings PART FIVE: POLICY SCIENCE AND THE POSTPOSITIVIST CHALLENGE: THE POLITICS OF DISCOURSE Beyond Technical Discourse A Theory of Comprehensive Rationality Critical Discourse and Policy Expertise A Methodological Case Study PART SIX: RECONSTRUCTING ORGANIZATION THEORY: FROM TECHNICAL TO POLITICAL RATIONALITY Organizations as Political Systems The Managerial Bias in Critical Perspective Technological Politics in the Postindustrial Workplace The Problem of Expertise PART SEVEN: EXPERTISE AND EMPOWERMENT: TOWARD AN ALTERNATIVE PRACTICE Democracy and Expertise The Case of Policy Science Restructuring Practice The Elements of Participatory Expertise

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