The Rights of aliens and refugees : the basic ACLU guide to alien and refugee rights
The Rights of aliens and refugees : the basic ACLU guide to alien and refugee rights
(An American Civil Liberties Union handbook)
Southern Illinois University Press, c1990
2nd ed., completely rev. and up-to date
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全9件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Rev. ed. of: The rights of aliens and refugees / David Carliner. 1977
Includes bibliographical references
Virtually all the protections written into the Constitution are stated in universal terms applicable to all persons, aliens as well as citizens. The disparate treatment given to aliens has come largely from legislative acts of the state and federal governments during periods of hostility toward immigrants of differing racial and ethnic origin and against persons regarded as disloyal in times of war and ferment.
Using a question-and-answer format, this book attempts to define the rights of aliens in the United States under existing laws. It will help aliens and those who assist them to know, to understand, to exercise those rights, and to extend their opportunities to function as full members of the American community.
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