Writing in the feminine : feminism and experimental writing in Quebec


Writing in the feminine : feminism and experimental writing in Quebec

Karen Gould

(Ad feminam : women and literature / edited by Sandra M. Gilbert)

Southern Illinois University Press, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes text in French

Bibliography: p. 277-293

Includes index



Here is a celebration and an analysis of four Quebecois feminist rebels whose self-conscious revolt against language has put them at the forefront of experimental writing in Quebec. These womenNicole Brossard, Madeleine Gagnon, Louky Bersianik, and France Theoretare attempting to explode male-dominated language and to construct a new language and literature of women.In this first major study of their work in English, Karen Gould examines in depth these women s literary visions and the new ways in which they communicate those visions. Gould broadens her book s appeal by showing how these four women s works, in modern forms of experimental literature, are shaped not only by Quebec feminism, politics, and culture but by American and French influences as well."

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