Surface stability : oxidation - corrosion - erosion - wear : proceedings of the sixth seminar in a series of seven sponsored and organized by the Materials Science, Materials Engineering and Continuing Education Committees of the Institute of Metals, held in London on 6 September 1989


Surface stability : oxidation - corrosion - erosion - wear : proceedings of the sixth seminar in a series of seven sponsored and organized by the Materials Science, Materials Engineering and Continuing Education Committees of the Institute of Metals, held in London on 6 September 1989

edited by T. N. Rhys-Jones

(Characterisation of high-temperature materials / series editor, M. McLean, 6)

Institute of Metals, 1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Book number 448"--T.p.verso

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

