
Pteridophytes and gymnosperms

volume editors, K.U. Kramer and P.S. Green ; assisted by E. Götz (illustration)

(The families and genera of vascular plants / edited by K. Kubitzki, vol. 1)

Springer-Verlag, c1990

  • : us
  • : gw


Includes bibliographical references and index



The study of organismic diversity has witnessed an unprecedented upswing in the last two de- cades. The empirical basis of botanical systematics has been broadened far beyond the realm of macromorphological traits on which systematists have based their decisions for more than 200 years. Electron microscopy and phytochemistry have become standard tools, rendering evi- dence from micromorphology and micro molecules accessible to systematic research. The analy- sis of truly biological phenomena, like the interaction between various groups of organisms, or the strategy of reproduction, has been added to the already existing fields of floral and dispersal biology. The study of macromolecules permits genealogical reconstructions with the greatest pre- cision. Considerable progress has also been made in the methodology for reconstructing phylo- geny. All this is in consonance with the strong intellectual stimulus that the study of phylogeny seems to exert on taxonomists. It is small wonder then that a large proportion of the taxono- mists' activities is absorbed by the attempt to reconstruct phylogeny at all hierarchical levels. While botanists from Linnaeus to Bentham & Hooker and Engler & Prantl have synthesized the botanical knowledge of their time, such a synthesis has not been attempted more recently in spite of, or possibly rather because of, the rising flood and rapid diversification of botanical knowledge.


to Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.- A Chemosystematic Overview of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.- to the Treatment of Pteridophytes.- Conservation of Pteridophytes.- General References for Pteridophytes.- Glossary for Pteridophytes.- Keys to the Families of Fern Allies and Ferns.- Psilotaceae.- Isoetaceae.- Lycopodiaceae.- Selaginellaceae.- Equisetaceae.- Notes on the Higher Level Classification of the Recent Ferns.- Aspleniaceae.- Azollaceae.- Blechnaceae.- Cheiropleuriaceae.- Cyatheaceae.- Davalliaceae.- Dennstaedtiaceae.- Dicksoniaceae.- Dipteridaceae.- Dryopteridaceae.- Gleicheniaceae.- Grammitidaceae.- Hymenophyllaceae.- Hymenophyllopsidaceae.- Lomariopsidaceae.- Lophosoriaceae.- Loxomataceae.- Marattiaceae.- Marsileaceae.- Matoniaceae.- Metaxyaceae.- Monachosoraceae.- Nephrolepidaceae.- Oleandraceae.- Ophioglossaceae.- Osmundaceae.- Plagiogyriaceae.- Polypodiaceae.- Pteridaceae.- Salviniaceae.- Schizaeaceae.- Thelypteridaceae.- Vittariaceae.- General References for Gymnosperms.- Taxonomic Concepts in Conifers and Ginkgoids.- Key to Families of Coniferophytina.- Ginkgoaceae.- General Traits of Conifers.- Interrelationships Between Families of Conifers.- Economic Importance and Conifer Conservation.- Araucariaceae.- Cephalotaxaceae.- Cupressaceae.- Phyllocladaceae.- Pinaceae.- Podocarpaceae.- Sciadopityaceae.- Taxaceae.- Taxodiaceae.- General Traits of the Cycadales.- Conservation of Cycads.- Boweniaceae.- Cycadaceae.- Stangeriaceae.- Zamiaceae.- General Traits of the Gnetales.- Ephedraceae.- Gnetaceae.- Welwitschiaceae.- Sources of Illustrations.- Index of Scientific Names.

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