Deciphering science and technology : the social relations of expertise
Deciphering science and technology : the social relations of expertise
(Explorations in sociology, 27)
Macmillan, 1990
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全8件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Conference proceedings
Includes bibliographies and index
- 巻冊次
ISBN 9780333465547
As science and technology have pervaded modern life to an ever greater degree, social scientists have been led to find questions of the causes and consequences of 'expert' knowledge arising in places that would have been felt unlikely hitherto. Varcoe, McNeil and Yearley's book assembles nine exemplary studies by sociologists, each of which explores an aspect of the current scientific-technological 'revolution'. Some popular ideas are challenged. So, too, implicitly, are certain large-scale social scientific theories claiming to have discerned in science and technology an overall meaning.
- Acknowledgements - Notes on the Contributors - Introduction: The Centrality of Science and Technology
- I.Varcoe & S.Yearley - The State, War and Technical Innovation in Great Britain, 1930-50: The Contrasts of Military and Civil Industry
- D.Edgerton - Who Gets Science Education
- A.Kelly - Conceptions of British Employment Re-structuring in the 1980s
- A.Pollert - Unhealthy Displays? Trade Unions, VDUs and the Social Construction of a Health Hazard
- P.Glasner & D.Travis - New Technology and the Self-Disciplined Worker in the Insurance Industry
- D.Knights & A.Sturdy - The Automation of Grain Terminal Elevators in Canada
- J.Novek - The Incorporation of Biotechnology into Plant Breeding in Cambridge
- A.Webster - The Story of r2: Interest, Enrolment and Analogy in a Public Health Debate
- M.Bartley - The Conduct of Medical Consultations in an Echocardiography Unit
- J.Daly, I.McDonald & E.Willis - Index
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9780333465554
This book has its origins in the annual conference of the British Sociological Association in 1987, held in the University of Leeds on the theme "Science, Technology and Society". The papers are a selection from among those presented in Leeds and explore aspects of the current scientific-technological "revolution". Some popular ideas are challenged and so too, implicitly, are certain large-scale social scientific theories claiming to have discerned in science and technology an overall meaning. The studies follow a sequence, beginning with the demonstration of different levels of methodological approach, continuing with forms of new technology at work, and concluding with instances of scientific research and its application and of professional practice. Each study is empirical in nature, the fruit in some cases of many years of enquiry. Complexity and subtlety of issue and outcome are the main emphases of "Deciphering Science and Technology", the cumulative effect of which is to show how involved science and technology are with the workings of society today, and how, because of this, their "human" side requires disciplined and painstaking unravelling - or deciphering.
- The centrality of science and technology, Ian Varcoe and Steven Yearley
- the State, war and technical innovation in Great Britain, 1930-50 - the contrasts of military and civil industry, David Edgerton
- who gets science education?, Alison Kelly
- conceptions of British employment re-structuring in the 1980s, Anne Pollert
- Unhealthy displays? - trade unions, VDUs and the social construction of a health hazard, Peter Glasner and David Travis
- new technology and the self-disciplined worker in the insurance industry, David Knights and Andrew Sturdy
- the automation of grain terminal elevators in Canada, Joel Novek
- the incorporation of biotechnology into plant breeding in Cambridge, Andrew Webster
- the story of R2 - interest, enrolment and analogy in a public health debate, Mel Bartley
- the conduct of medical consultations in an echocardiography unit, Jeanne Daly et al.
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