Computer-based science instruction : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computer-Based Science Instruction, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19-30 July 1976]
Bibliographic Information
Computer-based science instruction : [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Computer-Based Science Instruction, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 19-30 July 1976]
(NATO advanced study institutes series, ser. E . Applied sciences ; no. 24)
Noordhoff, 1977
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Description and Table of Contents
ANDRE JONES As everybody knovs, the computer has been used for over ten years in education. Since the first conference at Irvine "The computer in physics instruction" (1965). various meetings on this subject have been organized in many places, which dealt with very different subjects. Work groups have been set up at international level (by the UNESCO, OECD, ...) and at national level in various countries. Of the prominent extra-European meetings, we will only keep the most important ones. for example those held in the U.S.A. on the "Computer Use in Undergraduate Curriculum" and in Canada, "The Canadian Symposium on Instructional Technology" (1972). As a matter of fact, there have been quite a lot of conferences on this subject in Europe too. For example, the OECD entrusted us with the organizing of a center called U.C.O. 0.1. which would be aimed at two Objectives. On the one hand, to set up a aata bank on the experiments made in the field of the computer use in education; and on the second hand, to stimulate research in this field.
Table of Contents
1 : Instructional problem definition.- Analysis of the present situation in education.- Computers and the future of education.- 2 : Formal models used in computer-based instructional systems.- Mathematical tools used in the informatic educational system.- Selection and sequencing of educational objectives and remarks on the improvement of learning techniques in computer-based learning systems.- 3 : Design and implementation of computer-based instructional systems.- A rational approach to the design of instruction.- The psychological principles underlying the design of computer-based instructional systems.- Modeling and computing in the social-behavioral sciences.- Computer-based self-instructional modules.- Making C. A. I. make a difference in college teaching.- The informatic educational system.- Introducing informatics and using computers in teaching.- Learning via computer graphics.- Summaries.- Summaries.- Summaries.
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