Technology management in organizations


Technology management in organizations

by Urs E. Gattiker

Sage, c1990

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-324) and index



What factors determine a firm's potential for successful technology management? Why do certain groups of employee resist technological change in their workplace? And why are certain firms always riding the crest of the technological wave while others lag behind? These issues are examined in this volume, which provides a framework for technology acquisition and change by firms based on their strategy in human resource management and also the determinism experienced by internal labour markets. Interdisciplinary and cross-national, this richly diverse volume integrates theories, research and models from a wide variety of fields.


PART ONE: INNOVATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY-INDUCED ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE The Nature of Innovation An Integrated Model of the Contingency-Culture Approach Strategic Choice and Environmental Determinism Determinism and Organizational Characteristics PART TWO: ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AFFECTING TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITIONS Internal Labour Market Determinism and Strategic Human Resource Management Employment Strategies, Recruitment, and Selection Socialization and Appraisal Systems Career Development and Training Systems Compensation Systems PART THREE: CULTURAL AND INDIVIDUAL FACTORS INFLUENCING TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION The Cultural Context and the Individual Inequality and Technology Acceptance Employee Skills and Technology Management Development of a Theory Conclusion

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