Property, politics, and urban planning : a history of Australian city planning, 1890-1990

Bibliographic Information

Property, politics, and urban planning : a history of Australian city planning, 1890-1990

Leonie Sandercock

Transaction Publishers, c1990

2nd ed


Rev. ed. of: Cities for sale. 1975

Includes bibliographical references (p. 282-298) and index

Description and Table of Contents


This book written before the cusp of a waning left-liberal approach to planning issues and a just blossoming neo-Marxist paradigm, reflects the ambivalence of its era. Developments in social and political theory have generated new ways of understanding the role of urban planning in capitalist societies and the emergence of feminist historical frameworks have led Sandercock to reconsider her gender-neutral approach to planning history.

Table of Contents

Part 1 Laissez-faire in the Cities 1900-1945, Emergence of the Town Planning Movement 1900- 1920, Adelaide: Property Privilege and Power, Melbourne: Bureaucracy Tempered by Anarchy, Sydney: National Hobby of Land Speculation, Part II Planning since World War II, Limits of Reform, Adelaide: Conservatives Technocrats and Citizens, Melbourne: Capitalism Crude and Uncivilised, Sydney: Development without Improvement.

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