Mathematics in signal processing II : based on the proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications on Mathematics in Signal Processing held at the University of Warwick in December 1988


Mathematics in signal processing II : based on the proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications on Mathematics in Signal Processing held at the University of Warwick in December 1988

edited by J.C. McWhirter

(The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications conference series, new ser., 26)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



"Papers presented at the second IMA Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing from the 13th to the 15th December 1988" -- Pref.



This book is based on the proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, on mathematics in signal processing, held at the University of Warwick in December 1988. The aim of the conference was to stimulate further exploration in the interaction of mathematics and signal processing. Signal processing comprises an important area of application of a wide variety of mathematical methods ranging from adaptive filtering and spectral analysis to finite fields and statistical techniques. Amongst topics covered are: coding and cryptography, inverse problems and image processing, and linear algebra techniques. An important theme is the development and implementation of new parallel algorithms in signal processing.

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