Growth factors in health and disease : basic and clinical aspects : proceedings of the 4th Nordisk Insulin Symposium "Growth Factors in Health and Disease" Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 June 1990


Growth factors in health and disease : basic and clinical aspects : proceedings of the 4th Nordisk Insulin Symposium "Growth Factors in Health and Disease" Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 June 1990

editors, Bengt Westermark, Christer Betsholtz, Bernt Hökfelt

(International congress series, no. 925)(Nordisk insulin symposium, no. 4)

Excerpta Medica , Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes index



There is a growing understanding that growth factors are of great importance for the regulation of cell multiplication and differentiation in normal development and in the adult organism of higher eukaryotes. Moreover, growth factors have adverse effects in several malignant and nonmalignant disease processes. In recent years, a number of polypeptide growth factors have been identified, purified and molecularly cloned. The effects and mechanisms of action of these growth factors have mainly been studied in cell culture systems. This book provides an update on the role of these growth factors in vivo, both in normal development and in pathological disorders. Moreover, the clinical application of growth factors is described.


Growth Factors in Development . (5 papers followed by discussion). Growth Factors as Inducers of Normal and Pathological Tissue Regeneration . (6 papers followed by discussion). Compensatory Hyperplasia and Tissue Regeneration . (5 papers followed by discussion). Growth Responses in Angiogenesis and Inflammation . (5 papers followed by discussion). Growth Factors as a Novel Class of Therapeutic Agents . (5 papers followed by discussion). Concluding Remarks . Index of Authors . Subject Index .

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