The logic of the planned economy : the seeds of the collapse


The logic of the planned economy : the seeds of the collapse

Pawel H. Dembinski ; translated by Kevin Cook

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1991


Economies planifiées

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 33



Translation of: Les economies planifiées

Bibliography: p.[235]-238

Includes index



This timely book examines and seeks to explain the inner contradictions of centrally planned economies and shows how the seeds of their collapse had existed within the system from the very start. The author shows how the orthodox ideological principles of the system rendered it inflexible and incapable of reform and thus unable to transform itself into an efficient modern economy. Though the system as such has ceased to exist, it is as yet only the rules that have disappeared--the system's components continue to exist and, the author argues, a proper understanding of the origins and previous functions of each component is necessary if it is to be integrated into the new system.

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