A dictionary of the English language; in which the words are deduced from their originals; and illustrated in their different significations, by examples from the best writers : together with a history of the language, and an English grammar
Bibliographic Information
A dictionary of the English language; in which the words are deduced from their originals; and illustrated in their different significations, by examples from the best writers : together with a history of the language, and an English grammar
Printed for Longman, 1818
- v. 1. A-C
- v. 2. D-H
- v. 3. I-Q
- v. 4. R-Z
- Other Title
Todd's Johnson Dictionary
Johnson's Dictionary
Available at 6 libraries
v. 1. A-CE100-j2710076457706,
v. 2. D-HE100-j2710076457707, v. 3. I-QE100-j2710076457708, v. 4. R-ZE100-j2710076457709 -
v. 1. A-C833||JOH6076198,
v. 2. D-H833||JOH6076199, v. 3. I-Q833||JOH6076200, v. 4. R-Z833||JOH6076201 -
vol. 1. A-C833||JO||188103887,
vol. 2. D-H833||JO||288103888, vol. 3. I-Q833||JO||388103889, vol. 4. R-Z833||JO||488103890
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Spine title : Todd's Johnson Dictionary
Some copies have different spine title: Johnson's Dictionary
Contents of Works
- vol. 1. A - C. 1 v. (unpaged)
- vol. 2. D - H. 1 v. (unpaged)
- vol. 3. I - Q. 1 v. (unpaged)
- vol. 4. R - Z. 1 v. (unpaged)