
Animal models in AIDS

International TNO Meeting, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 23-26 October 1989 ; editors, H. Schellekens, M.C. Horzinek

Elsevier , Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references

Includes index



All the recognized experts from Europe, U.S.A. and Japan have contributed to make this book the most comprehensive, up-to-date survey of animal models available for AIDS research. It concerns animals which can be infected by the Human Immune-deficiency Viruses, both HIV-1 and HIV-2, such as chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, rabbits, SCID-mice reconstituted with human cells and mice transgenic for HIV. Information is also included on animals harbouring their own variants of HIV such as cats, non-human primates and bovines. Other retrovirus models, including lentivirus viruses like Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV), Visna-Maedi, Simian Retrovirus (SRV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) are discussed. The book also deals with the biohazard aspects of working with these viruses, the comparative value of the models and their relation with AIDS in humans. Examples of the applications of these models in the development of antiretroviral agents and vacines are given.


Preface (M.C. Horzinek and H. Schellekens). 1. Morphogenesis and fine structure of lentiviruses (H.R. Gelderblom, M. Ozel, D. Gheysen, H. Reupke, T. Winkel, U. Herz, C. Grund and G. Pauli). 2. Human immunodeficiency virus infection - perspectives and challenges (P. Reiss and J.M.A. Lange). 3. Safety in use of animal models for AIDS (J.R. Keddie). HIV- and HIV-2 in animal models. 4. The chimpanzee, rhesus monkey and baboon as models for HIV infection, disease and vaccine development (J.W. Eichberg). 5. Infectivity and pathogenicity of HIV-2ben in macaques (C. Stahl-Henning, O. Herchenroder, S. Nick, M. Evers, K.-D. Jentsch, F. Kirchoff, T. Tolle, T.J. Gatesman, W. Luke and G. Hunsmann). 6. Second in vivo passage of HIV-2 in rhesus monkeys (D. Dormont, J. Livartowski, G. Vogt, S. Chamaret, I. Nicol, D. Dwyer, P. Lebon, D. Guetard and L. Montagnier). 7. Infection of nonhuman primates with SIVagm and HIV-2 (S. Hartung, S. Norley, G. Kraus, A. Werner, M. Vogel, L. Bergmann, M. Baier and R. Kurth). 8. Animal models for HIV infection and AIDS: HIV-2 and SIVsm infections of cynomolgus monkeys. (P. Putkonen, R. Thorstensson, R. Benthin, K.-G. Hedstrom, B. Oberg, E. Norrby and G. Biberfeld). 9. Characterization of simian foamy virus proviral DNA (M. Schweizer, R. Renne and D. Neumann-Haefelin). 10. HIV infection in rabbits (H.Kulaga). 11. Establishment of a bioassay to determine serum levels of dextran sulfate, an inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus (M. Witvrouw, M. Baba, J. Balzarini, R. Pauwels and E. de Clercq). 12. SIV infection of rhesus macaques: in vivo titration of infectivity and development of an experimental vaccine ( M.P. Cranage, N. Cook, P. Johnstone, P.J. Greenaway, P.A. Kitchin, E.J. Stott, N. Almond and A. Baskerville). 13. Titration of SIVmac251 (32H isolate) in Cynomolgus macaques for use as a challenge in vaccination studies (P.A. Kitchen, M.P. Cranage, N. Almond, A. Barnard, A. Baskerville, T. Corcoran, C. Fromholc, P. Greenaway, C. Grief, A. Jenkins, K. Kent, C. Ling, B. Mahon, K. Mills, M. Page, P. Silvera, Z. Szotyori, F. Taffs and E.J. Stott). 14. Potent anti-simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) activity and pharmacokinetics of PMEA in rhesus monkeys (J. Balzarini, L. Naesens, J. Slachmuylders, H. Niphuis, I. Rosenberg, A. Holy, H. Schellekens and E. de Clercq). 15. Immunobiology of SIV in rhesus macaques (T.P. McGraw, B.R. Vowels, M.E. Gershwin and M.B. Gardner). 16. Humoral immune response of rhesus monkeys vaccinated with the external glycoprotein gp130 of a simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from an african green monkey (W. Luke, F. Polizien, D. Schreiner, K. Karjalainen, A. Traunecker and G. Hunsmann). Feline Retroviruses. 17. Pathogenic mechanisms of feline leukemia virus induced immunodeficiency syndrome (E.A. Hoover, S.L. Quackenbush, M.L. Poss, J.M. Overbaugh, P.R. Donahue and J.I. Mullins). 18. Feline immunodeficiency virus infection (N.E. Pedersen). 19. FIV: a model for antiviral chemotherapy (M. Koolen). 20.

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