Product liability, insurance and the pharmaceutical industry : an Anglo-American comparison


Product liability, insurance and the pharmaceutical industry : an Anglo-American comparison

edited by Geraint G. Howells

(Fulbright papers, v. 9)

Manchester University Press in association with the Fulbright Commission, London , Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, c1991

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



"Proceedings of the ninth Fulbright Colloquium on Product Liability, Insurance and the Pharmaceutical Industry: an Anglo-American Comparison ... held at the University of Keele on 18 and 19 September 1989."--Foreword

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



This volume records the proceedings of the ninth Fulbright Colloquium held at the University of Keele in September 1989. This conference attracted contributors from Canada, Australia and Europe, as well as from the United States and Britain. Practical case studies illuminated matters of general principle and the comparisons of legal practices and procedures in North America and Europe exposed parallels and divergences that were of particular significance and interest. The increasing use of litigation in cases involving pharmaceutical products has become a barrier to innovation and development in both Britain and America and both countries have much to learn from each other in this field. In contrasting the differing practices on each side of the Atlantic, participants in the Colloquium identified areas where changes could be introduced to advantage.


  • Introduction: product liability, insurance and the pharmaceutical industry - an overview, Geraint G.Howells. Part 1 European product liability: pharmaceutical product liability in the United Kingdom, Aubrey Diamond and Geraint G.Howells
  • representing the plaintiff in drug product liability cases, Mark Mildred
  • defending a pharmaceutical company in multi-plaintiff litigation, David A.McIntosh
  • vaccine damage - legal construction of scientific knowledge, Robert G.Lee
  • the European dimension - choice of laws, Leonard Hawkes. Part 2 North American product liability: products strict liability and the state of the art, Jerry Philips
  • who's zoomin' who? comments on liability for pharmaceutical drug products in Canada, Allan C.Hutchinson and Sue Hodgson
  • trends in US drug product liability - the plaintiff's perspective, Michael A.Pretl and Heather A.Osborne
  • considerations in the management and defense of pharmaceutical litigation in the Uniited States, Raymond G.Mullady. Part 3 Pharmaceutical and insurance perspectives: risk assessment and responsability for injuries associated with medicines, D.M.Burley
  • the impact of product liability on pharmaceutical companies, Ian Dodds-Smith
  • how pharmaceutical firms are coping with the difficulties of obtaining insurance cover, David J.Willingham
  • product liability - insurance market perspectives, Stephen J.Hardy. Part 4 Alternatives - West Germany, Sweden and New Zealand: drug product liability in West Germany and Sweden, Geraint G.Howells
  • accident compensation in New Zealand, Michael Whincup.

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  • Fulbright papers

    Manchester University Press in association with the Fulbright Commission, London

