Developments in the science and technology of composite materials : ECCM4 : fourth European Conference on Composite Materials, September 25-28, 1990, Stuttgart, F.R.G.


Developments in the science and technology of composite materials : ECCM4 : fourth European Conference on Composite Materials, September 25-28, 1990, Stuttgart, F.R.G.

editors: J. Füller ...[et al.] ; with the sponsorship of The European Economic Community

Elsevier Applied Science, 1990


Includes index

Head of title: European Association For Composite Materials, German Aerospace Research Establishment



The European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-4) will be held for the first time, in Germany after the successes of previous meetings in France and England. The meeting will take place in Stuttgart which is capital of B aden-Wtirttemberg and a centre for new technologies in Germany. Amongst these new technologies, composite materials play a dominant role and it is the aim of the conference to promote scientific discussion of these materials. Polymer matrix composites are well established and lie at the centre of interest so that a great number of contributions forms on plastic matrix and high temperature resin matrix composites. New developments in the area of reinforcement fibres will be discussed in a special section of the poster session. Metal matrix and ceramic matrix composites as well as carbon fibre reinforced carbon are strong candidates for future structural materials. These classes of composites receive wide interest at the conference. The conference organisers received more than 250 abstracts, from which about 160 contributed papers from 20 countries were accepted. In addition to the' 80 oral presentations five invited papers on topics of special interest will be given. The recycling problem of fiber reinforced composites will be discussed in a plenary paper. In the name of all those who were involved in preparation and organisation of this conference, we hope that fruitful discussions but also the social gathering will contribute to further steps in deepening the European cooperation in this fascinating composite research field.


  • Plenary Papers.- Fabrication/Fertigung.- "A novel method and material for the processing of glass mat reinforced thermoplastics (GMT)".- "Electron beam curing of composites".- "Experimental investigation of the superplastic forming technique using continuous carbon fiber reinforced PEEK".- "Laser processing of thermoplastic matrix filament wound composites".- "Fabrication of constructional composite materials based on powder polymer binders".- "Processing concept for tubes made of long fibre reinforced thermoplastics".- "Filament winding control processes".- "Adhesion and welding of continuous carbon-fiber reinforced polyether etherketone (CF-PEEK/APC2).- "An extended model for the forming simulation of fabric reinforced thermoplastic prepregs".- "A novel tool to determine the optimum fabrication parameters of thermoplastic CFRP laminates".- "Stamp forming of continuous fiber/polypropylene composites".- "Automatic laying of unidirectional prepreg tapes on compound surfaces".- "Performance analysis of a SMC panel moulding".- "Injection molding of long-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics".- Fatigue/Ermudung.- "Residual strength and toughness of damaged composites".- "Characterizing pure mode I delamination using multidirectional DCB specimens for glass/epoxy".- "Wind turbine rotor blades under fatigue loads".- "Is crack closure due to fatigue loading causing more damage in carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composites?".- "Damage rates for interlaminar failure of fatigued CFRP laminates".- "The mechanics of fatigue damage in structural composite materials".- "Fatigue damage analysis of notched carbon/epoxy composite by spate and finite element method".- "The effect of resin flexibility on the CREEP behaviour of filament-wound glass-reinforced resin pipes".- "Compressive fatigue damage in T800/924C carbon fibre-epoxy laminates with an open hole".- "Monitoring anomalies in composite components by means of vibration analysis".- Interfaces/Grenzflachen.- "Interfaces in AL2O3 fibre reinforced aluminium alloys".- "TEM characterisation of fibre-matrix interactions in light alloy MMC containing alumina fibres".- "Characterisation of the squeeze cast M6-alloy AS41 with AL2O3 fibers".- "The interfacial role of silica on ceramic fibre-reinforced aluminium alloy composites".- "Microstructural studies of alumina fibre reinforced aluminium alloy".- "Fundamental investigations for the development of coatings in metal matrix composites".- "On interfaces in C-fibre reinforced magnesium alloys".- Metal Matr.- "Measurement and analysis of the stiffness and Bauschinger effect during loading and unloading of a carbon fiber and aluminum matrix composite".- "Micromechanical modelization of the influence of microstructure on the behavior and damage of a Gr/AL composite".- "Corrosion studies on metal matrix composites".- "Characterization of aluminium oxide (FP) fibre reinforced AI-2,5Li-Composites".- "Tensile and fracture toughness behaviour of reinforced magnesium composites".- "The corrosion characteristics of a model C/AI metal matrix composite".- "Fibres-reinforced Zinc-Aluminium matrix composites for improved CREEP resistance and fracture toughness".- "High temperature low cycle fatigue of a SiC/Ti matrix composite".- "Continuous SiC fiber reinforced metals".- "SiC-Fibre reinforced titanium alloys: processing, interfaces and mechanical properties".- "Manufacture, microstructure and property relationship for a fibre reinforced metal".- "Influence of safimax fibres on microstructure and microsegregation in an aluminium alloy".- "Orientation of short reinforcing fibers in metal matrix composite materials".- "Fatigue of alumina short fiber/aluminium alloy composites".- "Deformation mode of fibre metal composites under impact compression".- "A characterization of the fibre-matrix bond in single SiC filament - aluminium matrix composites by theoretical and experimental approach of the multifragmentation".- "Several results on the mechanical behaviour of metal matrix composites with unidirectional fibers or needle shaped inclusions".- "SiC fibers and particles reinforced aluminium alloys produced by stir casting".- "Processing of parts made of SiC-fibre reinforced titanium using hot isostatic pressing (HIP)".- "Wettability and mechanical properties of CVD SiC filament and reinforced aluminium in a vaccuum suction casting process".- "Carbon-reinforced magnesium and aluminium composites fabricated by liquid hot pressing".- "Metalloid metal laminates, a new breed of metal composites".- Ceramic Matr.- "Failure of ceramic matrix composites under tensile stresses".- "Carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide composites".- "Oxide-based ceramic composites".- "Shear characterization of silicon carbide matrix composites".- "Pull-out mechanism in brittle ceramic matrix reinforced with continuous ceramic fibres".- "A numerical simulation of the microindentation test for characterizing the fiber matrix interface in ceramic matrix composites".- Carbon-Carbon Composites.- "Properties and application of composite materials of carbon-carbon system with ultradispersed filler".- "The anisotropy of the crack growth resistance of unidirectional carbon-fibre/ carbon-matrix composites".- "Failure behaviour of carbon-carbon composites".- "TEM studies of interfacial structures in carbon/carbon composites".- "Microstructure, interfaces and mechanical properties of fibre reinforced glasses".- "SiC-fiber reinforced cordierite: influence of matrix modifications on mechanical properties".- "Bolt bearing strength and notch sensitiveness of carbon-carbon".- "Rheological behaviour of injection moldable SiCw/RBSN composite".- Delamination.- "Delamination buckling of laminated plates".- "New data reduction schemes for the DCB and ENF tests of fracture-resistant composites".- "Approaches for improving the damage tolerance of composite structures".- "Studies on compressive failure in unidirectional CFRP using an improved test method".- "A study of carbon fibres under axial compression".- Fibres.- "Effect of carbon fiber properties on carbon fiber reinforced plastic strength".- "The tensile strength of single carbon fibres of high-strain type".- "Statistical evaluation of the strength behavior of thin fibre monofilaments for the characterization of fibre reinforced composites".- "A study of the distribution of fiber fragment lengths by a continuously monitored single filament composite test".- "Preparation and mechanical properties of aramid fibres from block copolymers".- "Strength and microstructural analysis of PRD 166 fibre".- "The characterization of polysilanes and polycarbosilanes for the production of silicon carbide fibres".- "Fiberamic R: a new silicon carbonitride ceramic fiber with high thermal stability".- Constituents/Komponenten.- "Limits to the mechanical properties of fibres".- "Allylphenoxyimide modified bismaleimides
  • a new series of tough high temperature imide resins for advanced composites".- "The investigation and understanding of improved CFRP composite materials".- "Rigid structural elements made from polyimide fibers".- "Quality assurance and quality control enhancement in composite enterprises".- "A new type of knitted reinforcing fabrics and its application".- "Properties of alumina trihydrate filled epoxy glass laminates".- Impact and Energy Absorption/Schlagverhalten Und Energie Absorption.- "An experimental study of impact-damaged panels under compression fatigue loading".- "Energy absorption of composites as an aspect of aircraft structural crash resistance".- "Testing of composites at high strain rates using +/- 45 Degrees shear test".- "Impact resistance and compressional properties of three-dimensional woven carbon/epoxy composites".- Non Destructive Testing/Zerstoerungsfreie Prufung.- "Inelastic modelling of acoustic emission signature in composite materials".- "Spreading of liquid droplets on cylindrical fibers: accurate determination of contact angle".- "Monitoring interfacial phenomena in single fibre model composites".- "Strain measurement in fibres and composites using raman spectroscopy".- "Identification of subsurface defects by a thermal method using a sensibility analysis".- "Real-time inspection of carbonfiber composite structures under thermal and mechanical load by acoustic emission".- "X-ray determination of cristallinity of thermoplastic semicrystalline systems by Ruland's method".- "Quality assessment of GFRP tubes with short term acoustic emission test".- Analysis/Analytische Methoden.- "On the thermomechanical elastic-plastic response of a class of fibrous composites a unified approach".- "Analysis of adhesive bonded generally orthotropic circular cylindrical shells".- "Critical buckling load for wound carbon epoxy composite cylinders".- "The utilization of composite laminate theory in the design of filament wound synthetic soft tissues for biomedical prostheses".- "Efficient thermal analysis of anisotropic composite plates using new finite elements".- "Finite element analysis and optimization of composite structures".- "Non-linear flexural vibration of laminate orthotropic shallow spherical imperfect shells".- "Geometrically and physically non-linear interface elements in finite element analysis of layered composite structures".- "Evaluation of the properties of spatially reinforced composites".- "Non-homogeneous bars under tension, pure bending and temperature loads".- "EVENT: an expert system for composite's design".- "Optimum design of laminates under aspects of strength".- Application/Anwendung.- "Advanced composites with polymer matrix - selection and application conditions".- "Efficient process of reinforcing the composite turbomachinery blades".- "Advanced composites in vehicles - current state and future prospects for application".- "Thermal insulation of cryogenic tank for a space telescope by using a pretensioned suspension of fiber reinforced composites (FRC)".- "Composites for light-weight robot structures".- "Manufacturing engineering components with carbon fibre reinforced PEEK".- "Determination of operational failsafe characteristics of the sailplane of composite materials".- "Structural components of fibre reinforced thermoplastics".- "Improvement on composite connecting-rod design".- "The application of fibre reinforced thermoplastics to light weight pressure vessels with extreme quality demands".- "3-D reinforcing fabrics for monolithic and sandwich-composites".- "Load transmitting elements for fiber reinforced rods loaded by longitudinal forces".- "The monolithic CFRP-substructure with corrugated V-spars - An alternative to sandwich constructions".- Properties/Eigenschaften.- "Characterization of interlaminar mode II fracture using beam specimens".- "Through - thickness stress distributions in tapered composite beams".- "A micromechanical prediction of mechanical and thermal properties of FRP with interfacial imperfections".- "Bearing strength of carbon fibre/epoxy composites under static and dynamic loading".- "Microbuckling behaviour of a plate with a hole using IM6/3501, AS4-PEEK and T300/976 composite materials".- "The influence of prestressing on the mechanical behaviour of uni-directional composites".- "The influence of the fibre transversal arrangement on the tension and fracture of unidirectional fibreglass plastic".- "Transverse cracking of 0/90/0 crossply laminates of PMR-15 based carbon fibre composites".- "Compliance/crack length measurements for individual transverse ply cracks in model arrays".- "The effect of postcure on transverse cracking strain in toughened carbon fiber/epoxy crossply laminates".- "Delaminations in composite plates subjected to transverse loading".- "Development of standards for advanced composites".- "Shear in carbone-epoxy laminates at various strain rates".- "Viscoelasticity behaviour of fibre reinforced composite".- "Evidencing of the damage due to a symmetrical, alternate, cyclical and harmonic stress, measuring the internal damping in a carbon fiber structure made of epoxy resin".- "Influence of moisture absorption on the mechanical characteristics of polymer matrix composites".- "Property variations of glass fibre reinforced polymers due to corrosive influence".- "The influence of air pollutants on the ageing of composite materials".- "The effect of strain rate on the interlaminar shear strength of woven reinforced-laminate".- "Mechanical properties and fracture of hybrid particulate composites".- "Characterisation of the curing and high-temperature decomposition characteristics of a glass-filled polymer composite used in high-temperature applications".- "Impact behaviour of loaded composites".- "Impact stress waves in fibre composite laminates".- Thermoplastics.- "Experimental background for finite element analysis of the interply-slip process during thermoforming of thermoplastic composites".- "Influence of production parameters on the mechanical behaviour of CF/PEEK".- "Matrix morphology effects on fracture toughness of unidirectional thermoplastic composites (polyamide + glass fibres)".- "Microstructural investigation of the matrix crystallisation in PPS/Carbon fibre composites".- "Effects of accelerated ageing on transition temperatures and mechanical properties of a glass fibre reinforced thermoplastic".- "The effect of stacking sequence upon the mechanical properties of thermoplastic composite laminates".- "Long fibre reinforced thermoplastics for injection moulding: the relationship between impregnation and properties".- "Fracture performance of random continuous glass strand reinforced polyamiderim composite".- "Failure mechanisms of short glass fiber reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate)".- "Thermo-mechanical performances of polyethylene fibres/polyethylene matrix composites".- "Structural evolution of a stamping reinforced thermoplastic (SRT) in both extensional and shearing flows".- "Data for designing with continuous glass fibre reinforced polypropylene".

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