Towns in the Viking age
Towns in the Viking age
Leicester University Press, 1991
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全14件
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Bibliography: p. [186]-199
Includes index
The view of the Vikings as raiders and pillagers is gradually being eroded through the success of publications and museum exhibitions where the Vikings are shown as craftsmen and merchants. Although there are a number of general books on Viking life and economy, the Vikings contribution to urban life has never been seriously considered. This book brings together information about Viking-age towns: the latest archaeological excavations are the prime source of evidence but with historical sources are used.
- North-west European towns up to the end of the seventh century
- North-west European towns in the eighth and ninth centuries
- towns in the viking homelands
- the vikings in Britain
- towns in the Slavonic-Baltic area
- towns in north, east and west - their physical structure and economy
- current questions and future work.
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