
Reports on astronomy

edited by Derek McNally

(Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, v. 21A)

Kluwer Academic, c1991

  • : alk. paper



IAU Transactions are published as a volume corresponding to each General Assembly. Volume A is produced prior to the Assembly and contains Reports on Astronomy, prepared by each Commission President. The intention is to summarize the astronomical results that have affected the work of the Commission since the production of the previous Reports up to a time which is about one year prior to the General Assembly. Volume B is produced after the Assembly and contains accounts of Commission Meetings which were held, together with other material. The reports included in the present volume range from outline summaries to lengthy compilations and references.


4 Ephemerides/Ephemerides.- 5 Documentation & Astronomical Data/ Documentation & Donnees astronomiques.- 6 Astronomical Telegrams/Telegrammes astronomiques.- 7 Celestial Mechanics/Mecanique celeste.- 8 Positional Astronomy/Astronomie de Position.- 9 Instruments & Techniques/Instruments & Techniques.- 10 Solar Activity/Activite solaire.- 12 Radiation & Structure of the Solar Atmosphere/ Radiation & Structure de l'Atmosphere solaire.- 14 Atomic & Molecular Data/Donnees atomiques & moleculaires.- 15 Physical Study of Comets, Minor Planets & Meteorites/ Etude physique des Cometes, des petites Planetes & des Meteorites.- 16 Physical Study of Planets & Satellites/ Etude physique des Planetes & Satellites.- 19 Rotation of the Earth/s/b Rotation de la Terre.- 20 Positions & Motions of Minor Planets, Comets & Satellites/ Positions & Movements des petites Planetes, des Cometes & des Meteorites.- 21 Light of the Night Sky/Lumiere du Ciel nocturne.- 22 Meteors & Interplanetary Dust/Meteores & Poussiere interplanetaire.- 24 Photographic Astrometry/Astrometrie photographique.- 25 Stellar Photometry & Polarimetry/ Photometrie & Polarimetrie stellaires.- 26 Double & Multiple Stars/Etoiles doubles & multiples.- 27 Variable Stars/Etoiles variables.- 28 Galaxies.- 29 Stellar Spectra/Spectres stellaires.- 30 Radical Velocities/Vitesses radiales.- 31 Time/L'Heure.- 33 Structure & Dynamics of the Galactic System/ Structure & Dynamique du Systeme galactique.- 34 Interstellar Matter/Matiere interstellaire.- 35 Stellar Constitution/Constitution des Etoiles.- 36 Theory of Stellar Atmospheres/Theorie des Atmospheres stellaires.- 37 Star Clusters & Associations/Amas stellaires & Associations.- 38 Exchange of Astronomers/Echange des Astronomes.- 40 Radio Astronomy/Radioastronomie.- 41 History of Astronomy/Histoire de l'Astronomie.- 42 Close Binary Stars/Etoiles binaires serrees.- 44 Astronomy from Space/L'Astronomie a partir de l'Espace.- 45 Stellar Classification/Classiffication stellaire.- 46 Teaching of Astronomy/Enseignement de l'Astronomie.- 47 Cosmology/Cosmologie.- 48 High Energy Astrophysics/Astrophysique des hautes Energies.- 49 The Interplanetary Plasma & the Heliosphere/ s/b Plasma interplanetaire & Heliosphere.- 50 Protection of Existing & Potential Observatory Sites/ Protection des Sites d'Observatoires existants & potentiels.- 51 Bioastronomy: Search for Extraterrestrial Life/ Bioastronomie: Recherche de la Vie Extraterrestre.

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