Jonathan Swift : a literary life
Jonathan Swift : a literary life
(Macmillan literary lives)
Macmillan, 1991
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全29件
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Includes index
This biography emphasises the extraordinary versatility and resourcefulness of a lifetime spent serving the public interest with the pen. At the same time, it shows Swift's distinctive love of writing for personal entertainment and diversion, with little or no interest in publication. While remaining a fiercely committed writer, he always tried to preserve, especially in his poetry and letters, a literature dedicated to friendship. Swift's literary career comprises much more than the well-known satires.
Preface - Apprentice and Secretary - 'Pox on the Dissenters and Independents!' - A Pact with Power - A Deceptive Retirement - Literary Triumph in Ireland and England - 'I Have stretched out my Hand, and no Man regarded' - A Poetic Valediction - Notes - Index
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