Helicobacter pylori, gastritis and peptic ulcer
Helicobacter pylori, gastritis and peptic ulcer
Springer-Verlag, c1990
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Based on the Second Meeting of the European Campylobacter (Helicobacter) Pylori Study Group held from October 12-14, 1989 in Ulm, FRG
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
This text provides current knowledge on essential aspects in the rapidly evolving area of helicobacter pylori research. Both basic science and clinical research with actual practical consequences are taken into account. The chapters target such topics as microbiology, pathogenic mechanisms on gastroduodenal mucosa, interactions with the immune system, pathomorphology, the role of helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease and therapeutic consequences. Experts from different scientific disciplines have contributed to this volume to provide detailed insight into the current understanding concerning the role of this bacterium.
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