Protokoly pervogo sʺezda Partii sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov (Proceedings of the First Congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party) ; together with, Dobavlenie k Protokolam Pervogo sʺezda Partii Sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov (Supplement to the Proceedings of the First Congress of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party)


Protokoly pervogo sʺezda Partii sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov = (Proceedings of the First Congress of the Socialist Revolutionary Party) ; together with, Dobavlenie k Protokolam Pervogo sʺezda Partii Sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov = (Supplement to the Proceedings of the First Congress of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party)

edited with introduction, notes, appendices, and index by Maureen Perrie

(Publications of the Study Group on the Russian Revolution, no. 2)

Kraus International Publications, c1983


Протоколы перваго съ◆i︠e︡◆зда парт◆ī◆и соц◆ī◆алистовъ-революц◆ī◆онеровъ ; Добавлен◆ī◆е къ протоколамъ перваго съ◆i︠e︡◆зда парт◆ī◆и соц◆ī◆алистовъ- революц◆ī◆онеровъ

Protokoly pervogo sʺezda Partii s.-r.


Protokoly pervogo sʺezda Partii sot︠s︡ialistov-revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionerov

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Text in Russian; table of contents in English

Reprint. Originally published: [s.l.] : Izd. T︠S︡entralʹnago komiteta P. s.-r., 1906

Includes bibliographical references and index

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