On Frost
On Frost
(The Best from American literature)
Duke University Press, 1991
電子リソースにアクセスする 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全39件
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Includes index
From 1929 to the latest issue, American Literature has been the foremost journal expressing the findings of those who study our national literature. The jouranl has published the best work of literary historians, critics, and bibliographers, ranging from the founders of the discipline to the best current critics and researchers. The longevity of this excellence lends a special distinction to the articles in American Literature.
Presented in order of their first appearance, the articles in each volume constitute a revealing record of developing insights and important shifts of critical emphasis. Each article has opened a fresh line of inquiry, established a fresh perspective on a familiar topic, or settled a question that engaged the interest of experts.
Robert Frost and the Sound of Sense (1937) / Robert S. Newdick
The Humanistic Idealism of Robert Frost (1941) / Hyatt Howe Waggoner
Robert Frost's Asides on his Poetry (1948) / Reginald L. Cook
Frost on Frost: The Making of Poems (1956) / Reginald L. Cook
The Unity of Frost's Masques (1960) / W.R. irwin
Religion in Robert Frost's Poetry: The Play for Self-Possession (1964) / Anna K. Juhnke
Frost's Poetry of Fear (1971) / Eben Bass
Robert Frost's Dramatic Principle of "Oversound" (1973) / Tom Vander Ven
Robert Frost and Wallace Stevens: "What to Make of a Diminished Thing" (1975) / Todd M. Lieber
Robert Frost: "The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows" (1981) / Priscilla M. Paton
Frost's Synedochism (1986) / George F. Bagby, Jr.
Comparing Conceptions: Frost and Eddington, Heisenberg, and Bohr (1987) / Guy Rotella
"The Place Is the Asylum": Women and Nature in Robert Frost's Poetry (1987) / Katherine Kearns
Frost and Modernism (1988) / Robert Kern
"The Lurking Frost": Poetic and Rhetoric in "Two Tramps in Mud Time" (1988) / Walter Jost
The Resentments of Robert Frost (1990) / Frank Lentricchia
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