Changing behavior in organizations : minimizing resistance to change


Changing behavior in organizations : minimizing resistance to change

Arnold S. Judson

B. Blackwell, 1991


A manager's guide to making changes

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Rev. ed. of: A manager's guide to making changes. 1966

Includes bibliographical references and index



Of all the uncertainties executives and managers must deal with in all organizations, the one thing they can count on is change. To remain viable, an organization must continuously change the way it operates in order to improve performance and implement its strategy. In "Changing Behaviour in Organizations", Judson addresses what is one of the most challenging and significant elements of managing - how to approach and manage any change to get the right results. When confronted with any change, people are more likely to resist than to support it. This applies not only to those directly affected, but also to those lower level managers and supervisors who are often crucial to carrying out the change. This book shows how people feel about and behave in response to change. Judson develops this into a comprehensive and systematic approach to the management of any change. By applying this approach, any executive, manager or supervisor can transform the potential resistance of those affected and involved into support for making the change work successfully.


  • Defining the change and its causes
  • how people are affected by change
  • the individual's attitude to change
  • how people react to change
  • predicting the extent to resistance
  • minimizing resistance to change - concepts, methods
  • process skills
  • differences in perception of changes
  • a systematic approach to making changes
  • implications for managerial competence.

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