Self and emotion
Self and emotion
(Perspectives in personality : a research annual / editors, Robert Hogan, Warren H. Jones, v. 3. 1991 (pt.A))
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, c1991
- タイトル別名
Personality and the self
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全12件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
The research addressed in these papers is multi-dimensional and problems are analyzed in terms of a range of factors using a variety of methods and procedures. The research is measurement based. There is a heavy reliance on a quantitative appraisal process and attention is paid to individual differences, with little reliance on controlled laboratory experimental methodology. Many of the papers refer to biographical material in developing personality theory. Most of the papers deal in some way or another with issues of competence and effectiveness. Although personality theory originated in 19th century psychopathology, all of the major assessment studies beginning with "Exploration in Personality" have been aimed at predicting successful performance in acitivities ranging from architecture to clinical psychology.
- Telosponsivity, dialectical reasoning and the concept of self, Joseph F.Rychlak
- the self as subject in the study of personality, August Blasi
- possible selves and the psychology of personal growth, Elissa Wurf and Hazel Markus
- the self-concept, the traumatic neurosis and the structure of personality, Seymour Epstein
- understanding people in terms of their assumptive worlds, Ronnie Janoff-Bulman
- natural language concepts of emotion in folk and scientific psychology, James A.Russell
- emotions as episodic dispositions, cognitive schemas and transitory roles - steps towards an integrated theory of emotion, James R.Averill
- E-type judgements, emotions and desire, Robert C.Solomon
- the structure and dynamics of emotion, Joseph de Rivera
- towards an adult developmental perspective on emotion, Shula Sommers.
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