Economic thought and economic reform in the Soviet Union


Economic thought and economic reform in the Soviet Union

Pekka Sutela

(Cambridge Soviet paperbacks, 5)

Cambridge University Press, 1991

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Includes bibliographical references (p. 192-194) and index



Although the history of centrally planned economies has been widely studied, the development of socialist thinking on the subject has remained largely uncharted. In this 1991 work, Pekka Sutela presents a detailed analysis of Soviet economic thought and theory. Dr Sutela traces the competing currents in the Marxist tradition of socialist economies from the Revolution to the present day. In particular he shows how the Gorbachev economic reform programme of 1987 rose from the work of Nobel Prize economist L. V. Kantorovich and his followers. However, this programme failed and the author explains in some detail why this happened. Since then, Soviet economists have tried to abandon their traditional theory of central planning and move along the path and long established contacts with leading Soviet economists, Pekka Sutela is able to show how Soviet economic thinking has moved from dogmatism through reformism to pragmatism.


  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. The Soviet political economy of socialism
  • 2. The mathematical challenge to orthodoxy
  • 3. The reformist programme
  • 4. The years of radicalism and reaction
  • 5. Not of mathematics alone
  • 6. The age of perestroika
  • Notes
  • Index.

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