Hypermedia/hypertext and object-oriented databases
Hypermedia/hypertext and object-oriented databases
(Unicom applied information technology reports, 8)
Chapman and Hall, 1991
1st ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Hypermedia goes further than hypertext systems in enabling access to a range of different media to express and communicate information in the form of pictures, video sequences and sound as well as text. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the background, history and importance of hypermedia. Among the topics discussed are Hypertext information systems applications, the spectrum of available systems, commercially available products and related technologies such as CD-ROM, interactive video and full text retrieval are among the topics discussed. All those involved with the development of hypermedia systems should find the information given here interesting and helpful. The contributors include: J Neilson, H Brown, J Walker, A Dillon, R Rada, J Spiers, C Plaisant, P Brown, S Roberts, G Grubb, S Scholefield, P Baird, D Painter, D Diaper, A Morrison, S Fortescue, M Lloyd, N Hammond This book should be of interest to professionals and researchers working with hypertext/hypermedia.
- Part 1 Hypertext and its applications: usability considerations in introducing hypertext, J.Nielsen
- an overview of hyperties, its user interface and data model, C.Plaisant
- hypertext - dreams and reality, P.Brown
- EXMAR - automating marketing planning, H.Wilson
- hypertext and added value, P.Baird. Part 2 Human factors: human factors issues in the design of hypermedia interfaces, A.Dillon
- teaching with hypermedia - problems and prospects, N.Hammond
- expertext- hyperizing expert systems and epertizing hypertext, D.Diaper and R.Rada. Part 3 Data models and structures: converting text to hypertext and vice versa, R.Rada and D.Diaper
- hypermedia for multi-user technical documentation, I.Williams
- extending software into the future, L.Bottaci and A.Stewart
- the office document architecture and hypermedia, H.Brown and F.Cole. Part 4 Object oriented databases: structure and scope of object-oriented databases, S.Roberts
- object-oriented databases - evolution or revolution?, J.Spiers
- a graphical interface for an object-oriented database, G.Kemp and D.Melvin.
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