SPI Plastics engineering handbook of the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc./ edited by Michael L. Berins


SPI Plastics engineering handbook of the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc./ edited by Michael L. Berins

Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991

5th ed


Plastics engineering handbook of the Society of the Plastics Industry,Inc SPI

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes index



I am pleased to present the Fifth Edition of the Plastics Engineering Handbook. Last published in 1976, this version of the standard industry reference on plastics processing incorporates the numerous revisions and additions necessitated by 14 years of activity in a dynamic industry. At that last printing, then-SPI President Ralph L. Harding, Jr. anticipated that plastics pro- duction would top 26 billion pounds in 1976 (up from 1.25 billion in 1947, when the First Edition of this book was issued). As I write, plastics production in the United States had reached almost 60 billion pounds annually. Indeed, the story of the U.S. plastics industry always has been one of phenomenal growth and unparalleled innovation. While these factors make compilation of a book such as this difficult, they also make it necessary. Thus I acknowledge all those who worked to gather and relate the information included in this 1991 edition and thank them for the effort it took to make the Plastics Engineering Handbook a definitive source and invaluable tool for our industry. Larry L. Thomas President The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.


1 Glossary.- 2 Polymer Chemistry.- Forming Polymers.- Polymerization Techniques.- Weight, Size, and Distribution of Molecules.- Polymer Structure.- Effect of Time and Temperature.- Chemical Composition.- 3 Plastic Materials/Properties and Applications.- The Family of Plastics.- Thermoplastic Resins.- The Polyolefins.- Styrenic Plastics.- Vinyl Plastics.- Other Thermoplastics.- Engineering Thermoplastics.- Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs).- Alloys and Blends.- Thermosetting Resins.- Alkyds.- Allylics.- Bismaleimides (BMI).- Epoxies.- Melamines.- Phenolics.- Polyesters.- Polyimides.- Silicones.- Ureas.- Polyurethanes.- 4 Extrusion Processes.- Extrusion Concepts.- Single Screw Functional Description.- Feeding and Solids Conveying.- Melting Considerations.- Melt Pumping.- Wear Effects on Pumping.- Mixing.- Devolatilizing (Venting).- Effects of Extruder Accessories.- Twin Screw Vs. Single Screw Operation.- Single Screw Extruder Physical Description.- Barrels.- Heating/Cooling Systems.- Screws.- Thrust Bearings.- Gear Case.- Drive Motor.- Drive Coupling.- Extrusion Controls and Instrumentation.- Basic Control Requirements.- Sensors and Monitors.- Temperature Control.- Pressure Control.- Melt Temperature Control.- Size Controls.- Rate Controls.- Extrusion Processes.- Blown Film.- Sheet, Extrusion Coating, and Cast Film.- Profiles and Pipe.- Wire and Cable.- Fiber.- Extruder Screws.- Extruder Screws (General).- Screw Types.- Screw Cooling.- Mixing Considerations and Mixing Devices.- Scaling Screw Design and Extruder Performance.- Glossary of Extrusion Terms.- 5 Injection Molding of Plastics.- Overview.- Injection Ends.- Melting a Plastic in a Screw.- Clamping Ends.- Circuits.- Automation.- Material Handling.- Secondary Operations.- Safety.- Coloring.- Multicylinder Machines.- Theory of Injection Molding.- Properties of Linear and Branched Materials.- Crystallinity.- Flow Properties.- Orientation.- Shrinkage.- Correcting Molding Faults.- Process Control.- On-Machine Monitoring.- Temperature Control of Barrel and Melt.- PID Injection Pressure Control.- Relating Process Control to Product Performance.- Molding Parameters.- Display of Monitored Molding Parameters.- Machine Control.- Adaptive Ram Programmer.- Microprocessor Advantages.- Glossary of Injection Molding Terms.- 6 Design Considerations for Injection Molds.- Mold Design Features.- Two-Plate Mold.- Three-Plate Mold.- Hot Runner Molds.- Insulated Runner Molds.- Runners.- Gates.- Moldmaking.- Venting.- Parting Line.- Ejection.- Ejector Mechanisms.- Ejector Sleeve.- Stripper Ring.- Stripper Plates.- Vent Pins.- Cam Actions.- Early Ejector Return Unit.- Mold Cooling.- Standard Equipment.- Standard Mold Bases.- Standard Cavity Inserts.- 7 Injection Mold Manufacturing.- The Moldmaker.- Design and Consideration.- Number of Cavities.- Machine Size.- Plasticizing Capacity.- Economics.- Specifications.- Features.- Mold Quotations.- Delivery Time.- Placement.- Responsibilities.- Standard Mold Bases.- Mold Plates.- Mold Base Nomenclature.- "A" Series Mold Bases.- Mold Base Stainless Steel.- Window Pockets.- Blind Pockets.- Cavity Pockets.- Wear Plates.- Mold Base Machining.- Special Mold Bases.- Quality of Mold Bases.- Mold Base Numbers.- Specific-Purpose Mold Bases.- "AX" Mold Bases.- "T" Series Mold Bases.- Mold Base Features.- Mold Base Plates.- Types of Molds.- Conventional Molds.- Three-Plate Molds.- Insulated Runner Molds.- Internally Heated Runnerless Molding Systems.- Externally Heated Runnerless Molding Systems.- Runnerless Molding Nozzles.- Valve-Gate Runnerless Molding Systems.- Fabrication of Components.- Cavity Machining.- Core and Cavity.- Electric-Discharge Machining.- Slide and Unscrewing Devices.- Collapsible Cores.- Collapsible Core Sequence.- Mold Components.- Interlocks.- Return Pins and Springs.- Early Ejector Return.- External Positive Return System.- Hobbing.- Cast Cavities.- Electroforming.- Cavity Finishing.- SPI Finish Number.- Hand Benching.- Tool-Assisted Benching.- Direction of Benching.- Mold Polishing.- Ultrasonic Tools.- Textured Cavities.- Texture Patterns.- Mold Steels.- Compression Molds.- Transfer Molds.- Reaction Injection Molds.- Expandable Polystyrene Molds.- Structural Foam Molds.- Chrome Plating.- Electroless Nickel Plating.- Nitriding and Carburizing.- Proprietary Wear Processes.- Mold Steel.- 8 Injection Molding of Thermosets.- Overview.- How the Process Operates.- Process and Design Considerations.- Materials.- Process Effects on Design.- Injection-Compression Molding.- Part-Design Considerations.- Cold Runner Molding.- Injection Molding Reinforced Polyesters.- Injection Molding Presses.- Temperature Control.- 9 Compression and Transfer Molding.- Compression Molding.- Techniques and Materials.- Molding of Phenol-formaldehyde Components.- Molding of Urea-formaldehyde and Melamine-formaldehyde Components.- Molding of General Purpose Polyester Molding Compounds.- Molding of Alkyd Materials.- Molding of Thermoplastic Materials.- Molding of Fluorocarbons.- Cold Molding.- Advantages of Compression Molding.- Limitations of Compression Molding.- Procedure for Compression Molding.- Types of Compression Molds.- Machinery and Equipment.- Automatic Compression Molding.- Basic Requirements for Automatic Compression Molding.- Types of Machines.- Preheating in Automatic Compression Molding.- Transfer Molding.- History.- Utility of Process.- Description of Process.- Transfer Molds.- Advantages of Transfer Molding.- Limitations of the Process.- Comparison between Compression and Transfer Molding.- Theoretical and Design Considerations.- Liquid Resin Molding.- 10 Designing Molds for Thermoset Processing.- Method of Molding.- Compression Molds.- Transfer Molds.- Injection Molding of Thermosets.- Injection-Compression Molding of Thermosets.- Runner and Gate Design.- Vents.- General Mold Design Considerations.- 11 Molded Part Design.- Structural Design Characteristics of Plastics.- Mechanical Properties-The Stress-Strain Curve.- Effect of Temperature, Loading Time, and Environment.- Creep and Relaxation.- Design Methods.- Designing Within the Modulus Accuracy Limit.- Yield Design.- Designing the Part.- Basic Design Theory.- Wall Thickness.- Fillets and Radii.- Ribs.- Undercuts.- Taper or Draft.- Bosses/.- Holes.- External and Internal Threads.- Inserts.- Parting Lines.- Surface Treatment.- Molded Lettering.- Avoiding Warpage Problems.- Design.- Mold Design.- Molding Conditions.- Troubleshooting Guide.- 12 Blow Molding of Thermoplastics.- Extrusion Blow Molding.- Process Variables.- Die Dimension Calculations.- Air Entrance.- Parison Variations.- Types of Extrusion Blow Molding.- Continuous Extrusion.- Intermittent Extrusion.- Forced Extrusion.- Dip Blow Molding.- Form/Fill Seal.- Coextrusion Blow Molding.- Trimming and Handling.- Neck Calibration.- In-Mold Labeling.- Materials.- Injection Blow Molding.- Design Considerations.- Coinjection Blow Molding.- Stretch Blow Molding.- Injection Orientation Blow Molding.- Coinjection Stretch Blow Molding.- Auxiliary Equipment.- Molds for Extrusion Blow Molding.- Injection Blow Molding Cooling.- Design and Construction.- Principle of Operations.- Mold Design.- Alignment of Components.- Core Rod Design and Construction.- Parison Molds.- Blow Molds.- 13 Thermoforming of Plastic Film and Sheet.- Overview.- Methods of Thermoforming.- Methods of Thermoforming.- Vacuum Forming into a Female Mold.- Pressure Forming into Female Cavity.- Free Forming.- Plug-Assist Forming.- Drape Forming.- Matched Mold Forming.- Trapped Sheet.- Plug-and-Ring Forming.- Ridge Forming.- Slip Forming.- Snap-Back Forming.- Billow-Up Prestretch Techniques.- Billow-Up Plug Assist (or Reverse Draw with Plug Assist).- Billow-Up Vacuum Snap-Back.- Dual Sheet Forming.- Thermoforming Machines.- Single-Stage, Sheet-Fed Machines.- Multiple-Stage, Sheet-Fed Machines.- In-Line Sheet-Fed Machines.- Continuous Roll-Fed Machines.- Packaging Machines.- Materials.- Plastic Memory.- Hot Elongation or Hot Strength.- Temperature Range for Forming.- Thermoforming Processing Temperatures.- Heating.- Temperature Control.- Vacuum/Air Pressure.- Tooling.- Trimming.- Problems of Shrinkage.- Trimming in the Mold.- Control.- Manual-Control Equipment.- Automation.- Control Systems.- Thermoforming of Coextruded Structures and Other Special Materials.- Cooling Requirements of the Thermoforming Process.- Substrate Thermoforming.- Troubleshooting.- Checklist for Troubleshooting.- Thermoforming Troubleshooting Guide.- 14 Rotational Molding.- Overview.- How It Works.- Machinery.- Batch-Type Machines.- Carousel-Type Machines.- Independent-Arm-Type Machines.- Straight-Line Machines.- Jacketed-Mold Machines.- Molds.- Materials.- Design.- 15 Calendering.- Blending.- Scrap and Cold Trim.- Mills and Strainers.- Calender.- Take-Off Stripper Section.- Embosser.- Winder.- Trends.- 16 Vinyl Dispersions.- Overview.- Historical.- Resins.- Rheology.- Fusion.- Formulating Vinyl Plastisols.- Dispersion and Blending Resins.- Plasticizers.- Stabilization.- Thinners.- Fillers.- Pigment.- Specialty Ingredients.- Plastisol Preparation.- Property Determination.- Spread Coating Processes and Applications.- Spread Coating.- Knife Coating.- Roll Coating.- Fusion.- Web Handling and Finishing.- Fabric Coating.- Coating Paper and Nonwoven Materials.- Film Casting.- Spread Coating Metal Substrates.- Miscellaneous Coating Applications.- Molding.- Dip Coating and Dip Molding.- Hot Dipping Process.- Cold Dripping Process.- Rotational Molding.- Slush Molding.- Cavity, In-Place, and Low-Pressure Molding.- Specialized Processes.- Strand Coating.- Spray Coating.- Extrusion.- References.- 17 Powder Coatings.- Manufacturing Methods.- Dry Blend.- Melt Mix.- Solution.- Application Methods.- Fluidized Bed.- Electrostatic Spraying.- Friction Static Spraying.- Electrostatic Fluidized Bed.- Powder Coating Types.- Thermoplastic Types.- Thermosetting Types.- The Application Line.- Economics.- 18 Reinforced Plastics and Composites.- Overview.- A Brief History.- Terminology.- Thermosetting Plastics.- Thermoplastics.- Fillers and Additives.- Reinforcements.- Preforms, Compounds, and Prepregs.- Processes.- Open (or contact) Molding.- Compression Molding.- Injection Molding.- Reactive and Resin Transfer Molding.- Continuous Processes.- Other Molding Processes.- Features and Benefits.- Markets and Applications.- Design Review.- Designing for Closed Mold Processes.- Fastening, Welding, Bonding.- Designing for Hand Lay-Up.- Designing for Spray-Up.- Conclusion.- 19 Cellular Plastics.- Overview.- History.- Chemical Blowing Agents.- Choice of Blowing Gas.- References.- Polyurethane Foams.- Chemistry.- Polyols and Polyisocyanates.- Modifiers and Additives.- One-Shots and Prepolymers.- Rigid Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Foam.- Processing Rigid Polyurethane Foam.- Flexible Polyurethane Foams.- Processing Flexible Polyurethanes.- Semirigid Foams.- Reaction Injection Molding.- The Process.- Materials.- Equipment.- The Mold.- Mold Gating.- Design.- Applications.- Polyurethane Processing Equipment.- Equipment for Spray Applications.- Equipment for Pour-in-Place Applications.- Equipment for Molding Applications.- Equipment for the Production of Slab Foam.- Equipment for Cast Elastomer Applications.- Accessory Items.- Thermoplastic Structural Foams.- History.- Properties of Structural Foams.- Combustibility.- Making Structural Foams.- Process Details.- Tooling.- Designing With Structural Foam.- Mechanical Properties.- Finishing.- Foam Extrusion.- Gas-Assisted Injection Molding.- General Design Considerations.- Applications.- Polystyrene Foams.- Extruded Polystyrene Foam.- Molded Bead Polystyrene Foam.- Bead Expansion.- Molding Shaped Parts.- Block Molding.- Expanded Polystyrene Sheet.- Polystyrene Foam Properties.- Applications for Extruded Polystyrene Foam.- Applications for Polystyrene Sheet.- Applications for Bead Polystyrene Foam.- Applications for Loose-Fill Polystyrene Foam.- Cellular Polyethylene.- Production.- Properties.- Applications.- Low Density Polyethylene Foams.- Compression Characteristics.- Tensile and Tear Strength.- Dynamic Cushioning.- Water Properties.- Thermal Properties.- Electrical Properties.- Fabrication.- Bonding.- PVC Foams.- Ionomer Foams.- Epoxy Foams.- Phenolic Foams.- Silicone Foams.- 20 Radiation Processing.- Ionizing Radiation.- Crosslinking Thermoplastics for Wire and Cable.- Cross-Linking Thermoplastics for Packaging Film.- Crosslinked Foamed Resins.- Graft Copolymers.- Radiation Induced Curing of Coatings.- Irradiated Wood-Plastic Composites.- Irradiated Concrete-Plastic Composites.- "Non-Ionizing Radiation".- Ultraviolet Radiation.- Infrared Radiation.- Inductive (Magnetic) Radiation.- Dielectric Energy.- Microwave Energy.- 21 Material and Parts Handling.- Vacuum Loaders.- Coloring Loaders.- On-the-Machine Blenders.- Bulk Vacuum Flow Systems.- Plastics Materials Drying.- Injection Molding Parts Handling.- Extruded Parts Handling.- Granulators and Shredders.- 22 Compounding.- Compounding Overview.- Mixing Theory.- Limitations of Mixing Theory.- Mixing Evaluation.- Fillers.- Plasticizers.- Colorants.- Heat Stabilizers.- Antioxidants.- Ultraviolet Light Absorbers.- Antistatic Agents.- Flame Retardants.- Blowing Agents.- Lubricants.- Methods of Compounding.- Intensive Dry Mixers.- Internal Intensive Batch Mixer.- Continuous Mixer.- Two-Rolls Mills and Pelletizers.- Underwater Pelletizer.- Single-Screw Extruders.- Compounder-Extruder.- Twin-Screw Extruder.- Compounding Lines.- 23 Finishing and Machining Plastics.- Finishing.- Filing.- Tumbling.- Grinding and Sanding.- Ashing, Buffing, and Polishing.- Machining Plastics.- Drilling and Reaming.- Tapping and Threading.- Turning and Milling.- Sawing.- Piercing, Trimming, and Routing.- Blanking and Die-Cutting.- Counterboring and Spotfacing.- Laser Machining.- Jigs, Fixtures, and Automatic Feeding Devices.- 24 Joining and Assembling Plastics.- Adhesive Bonding of Plastics.- Techniques.- Joints.- Solvent Cementing Thermoplastics.- Adhesives.- Adhesive Forms.- Pretreatment.- Cementing of Specific Plastics.- Cast Acrylic Sheeting.- Molded Acrylic Pieces.- Cellulosic Plastics.- Nylon.- Polycarbonate.- Polyethylene.- Polystyrene.- PPO Resins.- Polyvinyl Chloride and Vinyl Chloride-Acetate Copolymers.- TFE-Fluoroplastic.- Cementing of Thermosetting Plastics.- Welding of Thermoplastics.- High-Frequency or Dielectric Heat Sealing.- Thermal Sealing of Film and Sheet.- Hot Gas Welding.- Hot Plate Welding.- Induction Welding.- Spin or Friction Welding.- Ultrasonic Assembly.- Equipment.- Materials.- Joint Design.- Ultrasonic Staking.- Inserting.- Spot Welding.- Film and Fabric Welding and Cutting.- Vibration Welding.- Mechanical Joints.- Mechanical Fasteners.- Other Devices.- Swaging or Peening.- Press or Shrink Fitting.- Snap Fitting.- Integral Hinges.- Cold or Hot Heading.- Automation.- 25 Design Standards for Inserts.- Thread-Cutting or Thread-Forming Self-Tapping Screws.- Molded or Tapped Threads with Machine Screws.- Molded-In Inserts.- Post-Molded Inserts.- Design Standards.- Screw-Machine Inserts.- Cold-Forged Inserts.- Special Inserts.- Selection of Metal for Inserts.- Minimum Wall Thickness of Material Around Inserts.- Anchorage.- Insert Testing.- Problems in Molding With the Usual Types of Inserts.- Anchorage of Special Inserts.- Leakproof Inserts.- Special Inserts for Reinforcement.- Nonmetallic Inserts.- Preparation of Inserts Before Molding.- Cleaning Flash From Inserts.- Salvage of Inserts.- Relieving Molding Stresses Around Inserts.- 26 Decorating Plastics.- Surface Appearance Measurement.- Coatability and Coating Adhesion.- Surface Treatment.- Washing and Cleaning.- Mechanical Abrasion.- Chemical Etching.- Priming.- Flame Treatment.- Corona Discharge.- Plasma Treatment.- Paints and Coatings.- Coated Products.- Coating Techniques.- Dip Coating.- Flow Coating.- Curtain Coating.- Roll Coating.- Printing.- Screen Printing.- Flexographic Printing.- Gravure Printing.- Pad Printing.- Hot Transfer Process.- Laser Marking.- Dyeing.- Electroless Plating.- Electrolytic Plating.- Vacuum Metallizing.- Vacuum Evaporation.- Sputter Deposition.- Labels and Decals.- Water-Transfer Process.- In-Mold Decorating.- Flocking.- Embossing and Surface Texturing.- Grinding and Polishing.- References.- 27 Performance Testing of Plastics Products.- Performance Testing.- Specific Gravity and Density (ASTM D792).- Flow Rate (Melt Index) by Extrusion Plastometer (ASTM D1238).- Water Absorption (ASTM D570).- Environmental Stress Cracking (ASTM D1693).- Conditioning Procedures (ASTM D618).- Tensile Properties (ASTM D638).- Flexural Properties of Plastics (ASTM D790).- Stiffness of Flexure (ASTM D747).- Izod Impact (ASTM D256).- Tensile Impact (ASTM D1822).- Falling Dart Impact (ASTM DD1709, ASTM D2444, ASTM D3029).- Instrumented Impact.- Rockwell Hardness (ASTM D785).- Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics (ASTM D695).- Durometer Hardness (ASTM D2240).- Shear Strength (ASTM D732).- Deformation Under Load (ASTM D621).- Vicat Softening Point (ASTM D1525).- Deflection Temperature under Fleurai Load (ASTM D648).- Brittleness Temperature (ASTM D746).- Permanent Effect of Heat (ASTM D794).- Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics (ASTM D1003).- Luminous Reflectance, Transmittance and Color (ASTM E308).- Tests for Electrical Resistance (ASTM D257).- Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor (ASTM D150).- Arc Resistance (ASTM D495).- Outdoor Weathering (ASTM D1435).- Accelerated Weathering (ASTM G23) (Recommended practice).- Accelerated Exposure to Sunlight Using the Atlas Type 18FR Fade-Ometer (ASTM G23).- Pipe Tests (Commercial Standard CS 255).- Automation of Testing.

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