Z[0] physics : Cargèse, 1990
Bibliographic Information
Z[0] physics : Cargèse, 1990
(NATO ASI series, Series B . Physics ; v. 261)
Plenum Press, c1991
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"Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Z[0] Physics, held August 13-25, 1990, in Cargèse, France" -- T.p. verso
"Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division." -- T.p
Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
The 1990 Cargese Summer Institute on ZO-Physics was organized by the Univer- site Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (M. Levy and J.-L. Basdevant), CERN (M. Jacob), the Universite Catholique de Louvain (D. Speiser and J. Weyers), and the Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (R. Gastmans), which, since 1975, have joined their efforts and worked in common. It was the ninth Summer Institute on High Energy Physics orga- nized jointly at Cargese by these three universities. Because of the start-up of LEP in the summer of 1989, we broke with our tradition of having our Summer Institutes in the odd years. Indeed, it seemed to us that the many new data from LEP had to be presented in detail as soon as possible in order to prepare the young researchers in particle physics better for the experimental results with which they will be confronted in the coming years. The main theme of the school was therefore ZO-physics, with particular emphasis on the way the experiments at LEP are analyzed. We had one lecturer from each LEP experiment: they agreed among each other to present different topics in e+e- physics.
Nevertheless, they made sure that all the major topics were discussed and that the results could be critically compared.
Table of Contents
LEP Results: Measurement of the Z Degrees Line Shape in Hadrons and Leptons and of the Lepton Forward-Backward Asymmetries.- Study of Z0 couplings to quarks at LEP.- QCD Studies at LEP.- Searches at LEP.- Polarization at LEP.- Physics at the SLC.- Physics from Tristan.- W & Z Physics at pp? Colliders.- Theory of the Electroweak Interactions.- Electroweak Radiative Corrections for Z Physics.- QCD and Jets at LEP.- Colour-Coherence Physics at the Z0.- The Physics Program and Accelerator Properties of A B-Meson Factory.- Unstable Particles.- The Particle-Cosmology Connection: Neutrino Counting, Dark Matter and Large-Scale Structure.
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